Von einem jungen Ausnahmetalent noch vor dem Abitur verfasst, schließt das
Prof. Jan Louis studierte Physik in Karlsruhe, London und Philadelphia und arbeitete
Die Idee, dass Materie aus Atomen, kleinsten Teilchen, besteht, geht bereits auf die
„Bei vielen seiner witzigen Ideen, Physik humorvoll zu erklären, war ich echt
Michael Hauschild is a particle physicist at CERN in Geneva
This open access book explains geometric quantization from a physicist’s perspective.
Mark Alpert is a former editor at Scientific American and an
Rather than focusing on the contributions of theoretical physicists to the understanding
Volume 3 of this three-part series presents more advanced topics and applications
Questo libro si propone di fornire un'introduzione, allo stesso tempo accessibile e
Introduction.- Classical conformal transformations.- Conformal quantum field theory.-
Antimatter is one of the most fascinating aspects of Particle Physics, and
È dalla più remota antichità che l’uomo si interroga sulla struttura dell’Universo e sulle