The PocketBook InkPad X Pro is our first E-Note and reading device. It features the latest e-note technology powered by Android™ and a 10.3” E-Ink Mobius™ screen. With the included Wacom Stylus, you can take handwritten notes digitally. The InkPad X Pro also has adaptive SMARTlight, Bluetooth®, and audio functions.
Key Features:
InkPad Eo, with a large 10.3-inch screen and PocketBook stylus, is ideal for handwriting and note-taking in a book, drawing and active learning, daily memos, and other creative or routine work.
With the PocketBook stylus, taking handwritten notes is easy and convenient. Users can write down their thoughts and take notes without leaving a book or do it in a separate application. InkPad Eo offers a variety of tools for writing, drawing, and editing, including pen, pencil, brush, several eraser options, and lasso tool for replacing pieces of notes. The user can conveniently save notes in PDF or PNG formats, ensuring flexibility and ease of access.
In the digital age, switching from traditional to innovative tools is transforming how we work, learn, and have fun. One standout device in this category is E-Note, a digital notepad with an E-Ink screen and a stylus, challenging the conventional paper notebook. E-Notes provide eye-friendly e-readin...