Seit 2007 prekarisiert das Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz Arbeitsbedingungen und
Higher education has long been contested terrain. From student movements to staff unions,
Acknowledgements Introduction 1. Why unions? 2. Your
A comprehensive new study that uncovers the real story of working-class struggle in
Since capitalism began, British workers have always fought for their rights. Today it's no
An authoritative overview of the question of power in trade union
1. Introduction 2. Why organise at work? 3. Starting out 4.
These are the stories of the workers who undermine capitalism at its weakest
The radical response to conservative heritage tours and banal day-tripper guides, Rebel
Geoffrey Bell's Hesitant Comrades is the first published history of the policies, actions
Higher education is the site of an ongoing conflict. At the heart of this struggle are the
'A breath of fresh air' - Norman Finklestein
Workers in the Global
Robert Ovetz is a Lecturer in Political Science at San José
A stunning edition of Marx and Engels' classic manifesto with an introduction by Jodi Dean
Open Access – no commercial reuse
You can
List of acronymsPrefaceIntroduction1. Contextualizing the