We have all at some point in time, had the nasty green monster inside of us, emerge. Jealousy can ruin our relationships and cause us intense grief and despair. That is why the author of, How to Deal With Jealousy, has created this exceptional audiobook. As you listen to the meaningful advice and tips you will discover: Asking yourself if women like men who are jealous? The answer, of course, will be, NO! That jealousy can ruin intimate relationships. Analyze whether you suffer from neighbor envy. Asking yourself if you have ever been guilty of going through your spouse's belongings? Identifying if everyone is passing you by at work, and if so, why? Examining if your ex doing better than you? Why should you care? Uncovering jealousy at your class reunion and seeing how some people never change. Realizing jealousy is the root of evil and can kill. Helpful tips to curtail your jealousy. What happens to family bonds when a family member wins the lottery. Are you tired of being miserable and envious of someone else's success or life? If you are ready to make positive changes and rid yourself of the jealousy hiding in your heart, check out this audiobook.
Do you find yourself constantly in a bad mood? Have people stopped coming around you? For some people, they claim to not care what other people think of them. This is often used as a defense mechanism when we suffer from having a bad attitude. If you recognize these traits in yourself, Developing a Positive Attitude, a self-help audiobook is the first step in gaining back a positive outlook on life. Tune in and be prepared to: Realize that a bad attitude makes every situation worse. Deal with customer service representatives in a new and positive light. Identify how others act depending on their rank and class at work. Understand how to change your attitude. Analyze whether your attitude is killing your business. Discover if you are getting caught in a negative feedback loop. And, if so, how to find a way to break this loop. Recognize how you truly think about yourself. This may be the hardest to accept, but it is a major key component in the process to building a more positive life. Listen to those who say you have a bad attitude. Acceptance is key to making changes. Understand why people have bad attitudes. Is it circumstances or choice? Examine how your attitude about money can make or break your finances. Remember, money can be the root of all evil-- if you allow it to be. Having the right attitude in life can take you far and build your relationships. If you are ready to create a new and more positive you, than dive into this exciting audiobook today.
Gosta de descobrir os autores através das suas próprias palavras, e de chegar ao âmago das suas ideias da forma mais eficiente? Aqui está uma selecção de citações de três grandes poetas franceses: Charles Baudelaire, Alfred de Musset, Alphonse de Lamartine. Aumente o seu conhecimento da nossa cultura e deleite-se com estes pensamentos essenciais por grandes figuras do nosso tempo e de outros tempos. Uma grande citação pode encapsular uma grande teia de ideias, pensamentos, reflexões, emoções em poucas palavras. Uma excelente citação exige que o leitor faça uma pausa para contemplar o verdadeiro significado e poesia de algumas palavras. As citações atingem duramente a essência do ser humano, e a citação certa pode ajudar-nos a ver o significado invisível das coisas.