'The Golden City'' - is an exciting story by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov (1891 - 1940), an outstanding Russian writer, playwright and theatre worker. *** A huge exhibition pavilion was built in the centre of Moscow, in which manufacturers of all kinds show their production to thousands of customers. Simply everything is here - from toys to tobacco products, and even a huge portrait of Lenin made of flowers can be found there.
A new family, the unexpected bankruptcy, the father and step mother`s deaths, the young step brother and sister - these are the things Tamara Ardatova comes across after she has finished the boarding school. The unexpected heritage radically changes her life.
"Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk by" Nikolai Leskov - is a classic work of Russian literature, dramatic and many-sided. The centre of narration - is the complicated fate of Katerina Izmailova, a young married woman, who married a rich merchant not because of love. A handsome man Sergey has easily made her fall in love with him, but he has not even suspected that he will become a reason of the tragic events quite soon.
The story "Grammar of Love" was created in early 1915 and occupies a prominent place in the creative biography of Ivan Bunin. It is in this work that the motives for the first time clearly and strongly sounded, which then will find even greater development in the stories "The Case of Elagin's Cornet", "Sunny Impact", in the cycle "Dark Alleys". Here, love is depicted as a tragic, fatal feeling that falls like a blow, turns the fate of a person, captures it entirely.
The short story "the Diary of a Madman" - is one of the most unusual works, issued under the classic author of Russian literature Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol's pen. This is a small story about the titular councellor Arksenty Ivanovich Poprishchin, who gradually going out of his mind, has been making the notes in his diary for a few months. The astonishing short story "the Diary of a Madman" strikes us with unbelievable and sometimes fantastic changes, which happen to the protagonist's consciousnes
Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin is an outstanding writer and translator.
He traveled a lot in the south of Russia and Ukraine, tried himself in various fields of activity: he was a loader, storekeeper, forest ranger, land surveyor, psalm reader, proofreader, estate manager and even a dentist.
Alexander Kuprin entered the history of Russian literature as the author of the stories and novels "Olesya", "The Duel", "The Pit".
He is also known as a major storyteller. Among his works in this
"Petersburg Stories" is a common name for a number of novels written by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, and the title of the collection compiled of them is united by a common place of action - St. Petersburg in the 1830s-1840s. In all stories, the problem of the "little man" is considered. Petersburg novels constitute a special stage in Gogol's work, and historians of literature in connection with these works speak of the second, "Petersburg" period in his literary activity.
We all come from childhood. We all love fairy tales and need them, even beyond the appropriate age. We all draw princes in our fantasies, well, at least in a gray Mercedes. And we are all afraid to admit it even to ourselves… "Tales for women and not only…" is a collection of philosophical and psychological short stories about human relationships, about innermost dreams and bitter disappointments, about the search for love, one's calling in this world and about self-knowledge.
"The Wedding of Balzaminov" ("For What You Will Go and You Will Find") is a fascinating play by the famous Russian playwright Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky (1823-1886). *** Poor young official Misha Balzaminov obsessed with the idea of finding a rich bride, but he never succeeds. Charter to watch the wanderings of his son, his mother decides to arrange her own destiny and turns to the matchmaker Akulina Krasavina for help. Alexander Ostrovsky became famous for his works "Do not get along wit
V broshyure rassmotreny razlichnye vidy ustroystva dekorativnogo vodoema na priusadebnom uchastke. Kak sozdat' vodoem, kak uhazhivat' za nim, kakie rasteniya i zhivotnye dlya nego neobhodimy - otvety na eti i drugie voprosy vy naydete v dannoy broshyure. Dlya shirokogo kruga chitateley
V broshyure dany rekomendatsii po vyboru gitary. Opisany konstruktsionnye osobennosti razlichnyh tipov gitar, svoystva materialov, primenyayuschihsya v izgotovlenii gitar, i ih vliyanie na zvuk instrumenta. Dana neobhodimaya informatsiya o pravil'nyh usloviyah hraneniya i ekspluatatsii gitary.
This booklet has been prepared chairman of the "Center of legal support of land users" V.V.Schyolokovym and is designed to help all land users, land owners and land owners to understand their rights to land, to inherit the earth, properly dispose of the site or consolidate land rights, which It has not previously been issued properly. The need for publication pamphlets dictated by the fact that in our country already has a new Land Code of the Russian Federation - a law which society awaited for
V broshyure rassmotreny: klassifikatsiya palatok, konstruktsionnye osobennosti, vozmozhnost' ispol'zovaniya ih v raznoe vremya goda. Dany kriterii i rekomendatsii po ih vyboru, a takzhe ukazana priblizitel'naya stoimost' palatok na rossiyskom rynke raznyh firm, izgotovlyayuschih snaryazhenie dlya turizma. Dlya shirokogo kruga chitateley
V broshyure rassmotreny razlichnye vidy tsvetnikov, dany rekomendatsii po ih vyboru imenno dlya vashego sada, a takzhe ukazana priblizitel'naya stoimost' tsvetov i semyan na rossiyskom rynke dlya opredelennyh vidov tsvetnikov.