Michael Imhof, Office for Medical and Scientific Expert
A compact yet comprehensive source of information, this book focuses on the technicalities
L’evoluzione della Cardiologia ha avuto negli ultimi decenni una impressionante
The new edition of Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat Lecture Notes
Ms. Helen Mohan, MB BCh BAO BMedSci MRCSI is a Surgical
1 Infezione e artrite.- 2 Tumori.- 3 Tendini e muscoli.- 4 Midollo osseo.- 5 Colonna
Sami Shousha, MD, FRCPath is Consultant Histopathologist and Honorary Principle Research
Contributors, vii
Preface, ix
1 Examination of the
From the reviews:
In a very concise and extremely well organized manner
The quintessential guide providing a one-stop roadmap to a
Preface vi
Introduction vii
50 Studies Every Plastic Surgeon Should
Nel corso dell’accrescimento l’apparato muscolo-scheletrico va incontro a profonde e
“This is one of the best reviews of transplantation I have had the pleasure of reading.
Giuseppe Antonio D’Aliberti received his MD from Catania University School of Medicine in