Praise for Advanced Excel Reporting for Management
In this new century, financial statement fraud has increasingly become a serious
ANNIE MILLS is an experienced compliance officer and has worked in
Treasury is the financial hub of an organization—a
Want to be an auditor and
Introduction 1
1 Smaller Entity Audits 5
Preface xi
Introduction 1 Pinocchio and the World of Business
"So much for the
The Professional's Guide to the Theory and Practice of TAR
Mark P. Holtzman, PhD, CPA, is Chair of the Department of Accounting
The Vest Pocket CPA—the
Part One The Basics of
Cast of Characters.
Part I. No Discipline, No
Preface ix
CHAPTER 1 Profits: The Reason a Business Exists
Chapter 1. The Fraud Problem.
"Ms. Ng provides aspiring CPAs a great service with this book. Intended for accountants
As long as there is human deception and naiveté, there will be fraud. Beyond the
Praise for Internal Control Strategies: A Mid to Small Business