When the World Shook

”When the World Shook” is a classic story, written by H. Rider Haggard, telling about the horror of a ghost town. The plot revolves around three friends – one absolutely unshakable skeptic, the other – an absolutely believer, and the third and central character is a person who is looking for meaning in life. A hurricane shipwrecks them on an unknown island in the Pacific inhabited by a degeneratin...
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”When the World Shook” is a classic story, written by H. Rider Haggard, telling about the horror of a ghost town. The plot revolves around three friends – one absolutely unshakable skeptic, the other – an absolutely believer, and the third and central character is a person who is looking for meaning in life. A hurricane shipwrecks them on an unknown island in the Pacific inhabited by a degeneratin...
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  • ISBN: 9788381624626
  • Number of pages: 383
  • Copy protection: Watermark
  • Publication Date: Aug 7, 2018
  • Publisher: KTOCZYTA.PL
  • Format: epub

