To Have and to Hold

0Reviews present you this new edition. THE work of the day being over, I sat down upon my doorstep, pipe in hand, to rest awhile in the cool of the evening. Death is not more still than is this Virginian land in the hour when the sun has sunk away, and it is black beneath the trees, and the stars brighten slowly and softly, one by one. The birds that sing all day have hushed, and the horned owl...
Read moreRead more present you this new edition. THE work of the day being over, I sat down upon my doorstep, pipe in hand, to rest awhile in the cool of the evening. Death is not more still than is this Virginian land in the hour when the sun has sunk away, and it is black beneath the trees, and the stars brighten slowly and softly, one by one. The birds that sing all day have hushed, and the horned owl...
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  • ISBN: 9782819943457
  • Publication Date: Nov 6, 2010
  • Publisher: PUB ONE INFO
  • Language: English
  • Format: epub

