The War of the Worlds

In "The War of the Worlds," H.G. Wells masterfully weaves a groundbreaking narrative that combines elements of science fiction with social commentary, illustrating humanity's vulnerability in the face of an otherworldly threat. First published in 1898, the novel employs a vivid, episodic structure that builds tension, as Martian invaders wreak havoc on Victorian England. Wells'Äôs atmospheric pros...
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In "The War of the Worlds," H.G. Wells masterfully weaves a groundbreaking narrative that combines elements of science fiction with social commentary, illustrating humanity's vulnerability in the face of an otherworldly threat. First published in 1898, the novel employs a vivid, episodic structure that builds tension, as Martian invaders wreak havoc on Victorian England. Wells'Äôs atmospheric pros...
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  • ISBN: 4064066065188
  • Number of pages: 151
  • Copy protection: Watermark
  • Publication Date: Jan 6, 2022
  • Publisher: GOOD PRESS
  • Format: epub

