The Waiting Rooms

Decades of spiralling drug resistance have unleashed a global antibiotic crisis. Ordinary infections are untreatable, and a scratch from a pet can kill. A sacrifice is required to keep the majority safe: no one over 70 is allowed new antibiotics. The elderly are sent to hospitals nicknamed 'The Waiting Rooms', hospitals where no one ever gets well. Twenty years after the crisis takes hold, Kate be...
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Decades of spiralling drug resistance have unleashed a global antibiotic crisis. Ordinary infections are untreatable, and a scratch from a pet can kill. A sacrifice is required to keep the majority safe: no one over 70 is allowed new antibiotics. The elderly are sent to hospitals nicknamed 'The Waiting Rooms', hospitals where no one ever gets well. Twenty years after the crisis takes hold, Kate be...
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  • ISBN: 9781445096292
  • Publication Date: Jan 1, 2021
  • Publisher: ISIS AUDIO
  • Language: English
  • Format: mp3

