This file includes 10 tragedies by Euripides, literally translated by Theodore Buckley. The plays are: HECUBA, ORESTES, PHOENISSAE (The Phoenician Virgins), MEDEA, HIPPOLYTUS, ALCESTIS, BACCHAE, HERACLIDAE, IPHIGENIA IN AULIS, and IPHIGENIA IN TAURIS. According to Wikipedia: "Euripides (ca. 480 BCE–406 BCE) was the last of the three great tragedians of classical Athens (the other two being Aesc...
This file includes 10 tragedies by Euripides, literally translated by Theodore Buckley. The plays are: HECUBA, ORESTES, PHOENISSAE (The Phoenician Virgins), MEDEA, HIPPOLYTUS, ALCESTIS, BACCHAE, HERACLIDAE, IPHIGENIA IN AULIS, and IPHIGENIA IN TAURIS. According to Wikipedia: "Euripides (ca. 480 BCE–406 BCE) was the last of the three great tragedians of classical Athens (the other two being Aesc...