The People of the Mist

"e;The People of the Mist"e; by H. Rider Haggard is a classic adventure novel set in the heart of Africa. The story follows the journey of Leonard Outram, a young Englishman who sets out on a quest to find his missing brother. Leonard's search leads him to the remote and mysterious kingdom of Koer, where he meets the beautiful and powerful sorceress, Mameena. Together, they embark on a perilous jo...
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"e;The People of the Mist"e; by H. Rider Haggard is a classic adventure novel set in the heart of Africa. The story follows the journey of Leonard Outram, a young Englishman who sets out on a quest to find his missing brother. Leonard's search leads him to the remote and mysterious kingdom of Koer, where he meets the beautiful and powerful sorceress, Mameena. Together, they embark on a perilous jo...
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  • ISBN: 9781909904811
  • Number of pages: 0
  • DRM: Adobe DRM
  • Publication Date: Nov 15, 2013
  • Publisher: MAX BOLLINGER
  • Format: epub

