The Holy War

The Holy War by John Bunyan - is a 1682 novel by John Bunyan. This early modern English novel, written in the form of an allegory, tells the story of the town "Mansoul" (Man's soul). Though this town is perfect and bears the image of Shaddai (Almighty), it is deceived to rebel and throw off his gracious rule, replacing it instead with the rule of Diabolus. Though Mansoul has rejected the Kingship ...
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The Holy War by John Bunyan - is a 1682 novel by John Bunyan. This early modern English novel, written in the form of an allegory, tells the story of the town "Mansoul" (Man's soul). Though this town is perfect and bears the image of Shaddai (Almighty), it is deceived to rebel and throw off his gracious rule, replacing it instead with the rule of Diabolus. Though Mansoul has rejected the Kingship ...
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  • ISBN: 9783756256716
  • Publication Date: Jul 20, 2022
  • Publisher: BOOKS ON DEMAND
  • Format: epub

