The Haunted Hotel

"The Haunted Hotel" is a suspenseful and captivating story of a family who has been told of their relative's sudden death whilst on his honeymoon in Italy. Feeling rather suspicious of his new wife, Countess Narona, they decide to set out to Italy themselves to uncover the mystery behind his death. On reaching his palace of residence in Venice which is converted into a hotel after his death each o...
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"The Haunted Hotel" is a suspenseful and captivating story of a family who has been told of their relative's sudden death whilst on his honeymoon in Italy. Feeling rather suspicious of his new wife, Countess Narona, they decide to set out to Italy themselves to uncover the mystery behind his death. On reaching his palace of residence in Venice which is converted into a hotel after his death each o...
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  • ISBN: 8596547388074
  • Number of pages: 183
  • Copy protection: Watermark
  • Publication Date: Nov 13, 2022
  • Publisher: DIGICAT
  • Format: epub

