Sekrety uspekha yurista i advokata: Sovety nachinayushchim i ne tol'ko

To achieve professional success and recognition, it is not enough for a lawyer or lawyer to know the law flawlessly. You need to master many other skills and answer a lot of important questions for yourself. Why choose a specialization? How to make contacts? How to attract clients? Why is it important to present yourself correctly? How to scale your legal business? Gleb Plesovskikh - lawyer, chair...
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9,99 €
To achieve professional success and recognition, it is not enough for a lawyer or lawyer to know the law flawlessly. You need to master many other skills and answer a lot of important questions for yourself. Why choose a specialization? How to make contacts? How to attract clients? Why is it important to present yourself correctly? How to scale your legal business? Gleb Plesovskikh - lawyer, chair...
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  • ISBN: 9785907394032
  • Number of pages: 184
  • Copy protection: Watermark
  • Publication Date: May 3, 2023
  • Publisher: ALPINA PRO
  • Language: Russian
  • Format: epub

