Poetic Matters of Life

Ever feel like the young fighter who swings, pounds and hammers his way into the ring of life. After a few rounds of hits and misses we learn to defend and protect what becomes our personality, our love, our life. Eventually we grow tired of the struggle and move from the ropes to our corner and hopefully before we are taken from the ring there is at least a faint applause. Poems like Flowers O...
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Ever feel like the young fighter who swings, pounds and hammers his way into the ring of life. After a few rounds of hits and misses we learn to defend and protect what becomes our personality, our love, our life. Eventually we grow tired of the struggle and move from the ropes to our corner and hopefully before we are taken from the ring there is at least a faint applause. Poems like Flowers O...
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  • ISBN: 9781493194865
  • Number of pages: 186
  • Copy protection: ADOBE_DRM
  • Publication Date: May 15, 2014
  • Publisher: XLIBRIS US
  • Format: epub

