On the Highway of Life

A few final remarks from me. I had intended to write down a few thoughts as bullet points, by hand. Loving advice from a father to his children. One day, after all, he won't be there any longer. Just one or two suggestions, and tips on how to take charge of their lives. But my bullet points turned into lines. And each line became a page, and the pages were transformed over time into a book. The bo...
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12,99 €
A few final remarks from me. I had intended to write down a few thoughts as bullet points, by hand. Loving advice from a father to his children. One day, after all, he won't be there any longer. Just one or two suggestions, and tips on how to take charge of their lives. But my bullet points turned into lines. And each line became a page, and the pages were transformed over time into a book. The bo...
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  • ISBN: 9783748115427
  • Number of pages: 340
  • Copy protection: Watermark
  • Publication Date: Nov 21, 2018
  • Publisher: BOOKS ON DEMAND
  • Format: epub

