My Summer in a Garden

0Reviews present you this new edition. MY DEAR MR. FIELDS, - I did promise to write an Introduction to these charming papers but an Introduction, - what is it? - a sort of pilaster, put upon the face of a building for looks' sake, and usually flat, - very flat. Sometimes it may be called a caryatid, which is, as I understand it, a cruel device of architecture, representing a man or a woman, obl...
Read moreRead more present you this new edition. MY DEAR MR. FIELDS, - I did promise to write an Introduction to these charming papers but an Introduction, - what is it? - a sort of pilaster, put upon the face of a building for looks' sake, and usually flat, - very flat. Sometimes it may be called a caryatid, which is, as I understand it, a cruel device of architecture, representing a man or a woman, obl...
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  • ISBN: 9782819945987
  • Publication Date: Nov 6, 2010
  • Publisher: PUB ONE INFO
  • Language: English
  • Format: epub

