Henry IV

Luigi Pirandello's 'Henry IV' is a thought-provoking play that delves into the themes of identity, reality, and madness. Set in the early 20th century, the play follows the story of a man who believes himself to be the medieval Emperor Henry IV. The narrative blurs the lines between delusion and truth, forcing readers to question the nature of perception and self-perception. Pirandello's use of ps...
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Luigi Pirandello's 'Henry IV' is a thought-provoking play that delves into the themes of identity, reality, and madness. Set in the early 20th century, the play follows the story of a man who believes himself to be the medieval Emperor Henry IV. The narrative blurs the lines between delusion and truth, forcing readers to question the nature of perception and self-perception. Pirandello's use of ps...
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  • ISBN: 4066338090119
  • Number of pages: 51
  • DRM: Watermark
  • Publication Date: Nov 9, 2021
  • Publisher: GOOD PRESS
  • Format: epub

