Following Jesus Without Dishonoring Your Parents

Unknown authorUnknown author
Go to the right school.Become a doctor or a lawyer.Marry a nice Asian.These are some of the hopes of our Asian parents. Knowing that our parents have sacrificed for us, we want to honor their wishes. But we also want to serve Jesus, and sometimes that can seem to conflict with family expectations. Discovering our Asian identity in the midst of Western culture means learning to bridge these and oth...
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20,03 €
Go to the right school.Become a doctor or a lawyer.Marry a nice Asian.These are some of the hopes of our Asian parents. Knowing that our parents have sacrificed for us, we want to honor their wishes. But we also want to serve Jesus, and sometimes that can seem to conflict with family expectations. Discovering our Asian identity in the midst of Western culture means learning to bridge these and oth...
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  • ISBN: 9780830875245
  • Number of pages: 178
  • Copy protection: Watermark
  • Publication Date: Aug 20, 2009
  • Publisher: IVP ACADEMIC
  • Format: epub

