Feminism in Greek Literature from Homer to Aristotle

There is a question sometimes put to scholars, a doubt often latent in scholars' minds-How was it that Greek civilisation, with all its high ideals and achievements, fell so easily before what seems at first sight an altogether inferior culture? The difficulty is not solved by a reference to military resources or administrative skill, for moral strength is the only thing that matters in history, a...
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There is a question sometimes put to scholars, a doubt often latent in scholars' minds-How was it that Greek civilisation, with all its high ideals and achievements, fell so easily before what seems at first sight an altogether inferior culture? The difficulty is not solved by a reference to military resources or administrative skill, for moral strength is the only thing that matters in history, a...
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  • ISBN: 9783751955560
  • Number of pages: 199
  • Copy protection: Watermark
  • Publication Date: Sep 10, 2020
  • Publisher: BOOKS ON DEMAND
  • Language: English
  • Format: epub

