Essential Einstein

The definitive scientific icon of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein is remember for one equation, E=mc , and the image of a white-haired, pipe-smoking professor who didn t wear socks. But the equation comes from a time when all of his great work was done. The real Albert Einstein the high school drop-out who won the Nobel Prize along with the hearts of so many young women was young, hand...
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The definitive scientific icon of the twentieth century, Albert Einstein is remember for one equation, E=mc , and the image of a white-haired, pipe-smoking professor who didn t wear socks. But the equation comes from a time when all of his great work was done. The real Albert Einstein the high school drop-out who won the Nobel Prize along with the hearts of so many young women was young, hand...
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  • ISBN: 9781472116048
  • Number of pages: 160
  • Copy protection: ADOBE_DRM
  • Publication Date: Apr 1, 2014
  • Publisher: CONSTABLE
  • Format: epub
  • Promo Label: Discount

