Boy Scouts on Belgian Battlefields

ANTWERP, ON THE SCHELDT. Oh! how glad I am that part of the trip is over, now we've crossed from England to Antwerp without being wrecked! You certainly did seem to have a bad time of it, Tubby, in the wash of the Channel! Bad time did you say, Rob? It was a great deal worse than anything we struck on the voyage between New York and Liverpool, let me tell you. But now we want to forget all our tro...
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ANTWERP, ON THE SCHELDT. Oh! how glad I am that part of the trip is over, now we've crossed from England to Antwerp without being wrecked! You certainly did seem to have a bad time of it, Tubby, in the wash of the Channel! Bad time did you say, Rob? It was a great deal worse than anything we struck on the voyage between New York and Liverpool, let me tell you. But now we want to forget all our tro...
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  • ISBN: 9782819907848
  • Publication Date: Oct 23, 2010
  • Publisher: PUB ONE INFO
  • Format: epub

