A Personal Note
1. Don't Follow the Poets!
The Quran and Poetry
2. Revolt against God
Attar and Suffering
3. World without God
Shakespeare and Man
4. Heroic Weakness
Lessing and Terror
5. God Breathing
Goethe and Religion
6. Filth of My Soul
Kleist and Love
7. The Truth of Theatre
The Shiite Passion Play and Alienation
8. Liberate Bayreuth!
Wagner and Empathy
9. Swimming in the Afternoon
Kafka and...
A Personal Note
1. Don't Follow the Poets!
The Quran and Poetry
2. Revolt against God
Attar and Suffering
3. World without God
Shakespeare and Man
4. Heroic Weakness
Lessing and Terror
5. God Breathing
Goethe and Religion
6. Filth of My Soul
Kleist and Love
7. The Truth of Theatre
The Shiite Passion Play and Alienation
8. Liberate Bayreuth!
Wagner and Empathy
9. Swimming in the Afternoon
Kafka and...