Introduction 1

How This Book Is Organized 1

Icons Used in This Book 2

Where to Go from Here 2

Chapter 1: Getting in the Holiday Mindset 3

Avoiding Holiday Stress 3

Surprise! Cleaning Your House for Unexpected Guests 6

Stocking Up on Christmas Spirits 8

Chapter 2: Surviving Holiday Shopping 11

Dealing with Gift Expectations 11

Making Your Own Gifts  15

Chapter 3: So You Want to Have a Party? 27

Deciding What Kind of Party to Have 27

Choosing a Date 29

Sizing Up Your Space 30

Planning Your Guest List 31

Inviting Your Guests 33

Chapter 4: Cooking Up a Storm 35

Planning Your Menu 35

Greeting Your Guests with Quick and Easy Appetizers 36

Serving a Salad 37

Making a Main Course 37

Preparing Side Dishes 40

Indulging in Dessert 43

Chapter 5: Making Your Party Shine 47

Developing the Right Attitude 47

Preparing an Action Plan: It’s All about the Lists 48

Setting the Mood with Music 51

Being a Good Host 51

Chapter 6: Returning to a Positive State of Mind 55

Lifting Your Post-Holiday Spirits 55

Regaining a Positive Outlook 56

Letting Your Actions Speak Louder Than Words 58

Developing Closer Social Ties 60

Relaxing after the Festivities 61

Chapter 7: Feeling as Good Physically

as You Do Mentally 63

Getting Fit — No Time Like the Present! 63

Giving Yoga a Try 66

Striving for a Relaxed Body and Mind: Meditation 68

Chapter 8: Ten or So Holiday Do’s and Don’ts 71

Do Make Yourself a Priority 71

Do Take Time to Ask about House Rules

or Make Them Clear 71

Don’t Be a Hero 72

Do Let Social Media Help You 72

Do Stick with What You Know 72

Do Unwrap It Already 73

Don’t Expect to Attend Every Party and Event 73

Do Be Reasonable When Planning 73

  • Format: epub
  • ISBN: 9781118495933
  • Publisher: WILEY
  • Author: The Experts at Dummies
  • Ean Code: 9781118495933
  • Book type: E-book
  • Language: English
  • DRM: Adobe DRM
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Surviving the Holidays For Dummies
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