Introduction to the Revised Edition xiii

Prologue xv

I Revolution Time 1

1 Grow Your Business Now 3

Dave’s Slingshot Goes Viral on Goliath 6

The Stories Behind the Story: United Airlines, Taylor Guitars, and Calton Cases 9

Break a Taylor Guitar and You Break this Man’s Heart 10

A Teachable Moment 12

Case Study in Real-Time Product Development 12

United Comes Untied 14

Dave’s Big Win 15

Real-Time Engagement 16

2 Speed versus Sloth 19

Google Finally Gets It 21

Caught on the News Cycle Hamster Wheel 23

Feeling an Invisible Presence in the Conference Hall 23

What Matters Now 25

Can You See the Pattern? 27

3 Laying Down Some Real-Time Law 29

The New Laws on Speed 30

The Real-Time Power Law 30

The Real-Time Law of Normal Distribution 32

How Would You React? 34

4 Real-Time Attitude 35

Business as Usual 35

The Real-Time Mind-Set 36

No More Business as Usual 37

It’s Not the Tools, It’s the Mind-Set Behind Them 39

5 Too Big to Succeed? 43

Boeing’s Radar Belatedly Spots Harry’s Plane 44

Thank You for Your Inquiry 48

Contact Us (or Not) 49

Making Contact 51

How Fast Does the Fortune 100 Respond? 52

The ROI of Real-Time 54

6 Live from the Revolution 57

Always On 58

Get in Sync with the Real-Time News Cycle 59

The Old Media Relations Timeline 60 as Big Brother 61

Now: While News Is Happening 63

Multiple Takes, One Story 64

How They Make News in Real Time 65

Did You Hear the One about the Pornographic Robocall? 66

How to Engage the Media in Real Time 67

How You Can Own ‘‘The Second Paragraph’’ 77

7 Crisis Communications and the Media 79

Eurostar and Silence 79

Twitter as a Crisis Communications Tool 81

Real-Time Media Alerts 82

Connect with Journalists before You Need Them 82

Thrust into the News When You Least Expect It 85

When You Have Hot News 86

How to Deflate a Scandal 87

The Time Is Now 88

The Million-Dollar Door 88

8 What Are People Saying about You This Instant? 91

Who the Hell ARE These People? 91

The Importance of Being First 95

#AskObama 96

Tracking Those You Know 98

Choosing to Respond (or Not) 99

Listening in to Millions of Discussions in Real Time 100

A $250-Grand Tweet! 102

Turning around a Critic 103

When You Don’t Have an Immediate Answer 104

Social Web Analytics 105

A Selection of Social Web Analytics Services 107

How Even the Biggest Can Be Seamlessly Social 109

9 Tap the Crowd for Quick Action 111

How to Title a Book or Name a Product 112

A Crowd for Any Purpose 113

Finding the Right Crowd 115

Massive Brainstorm 117

Crowdsourcing a Movie for Free 118

You Gotta Give to Get 119

II Connect with Your Market 121

10 Real-Time Customer Connection 123

Connecting with Customers Is Marketing and PR 124

Why Should I Help You? 126

Interacting with Customers in Real Time 128

Friends Tweet Friends First 129

Embracing the Tweet 130

Let Followers Feel the Love on Twitter 134

How Can You Fight a Fire after the House Burns Down? 135

Meet Your Critics on Their Turf 136

Put the CEO to Work 137

It Can Happen to You! 138

Rapid Response with Instant Websites 140

Multiple Communications Channels 142

Reaching Fans 148

11 Going Mobile, Real Time Is All the Time 151

Tapping the World for Recommendations 153

Looking to Buy a House 154

Reaching Buyers via Mobile 156

12 They Want It Immediately 159

I Want It Now 160

Real Time with the Grateful Dead 161

Real-Time Products for Your Marketplace 164

Hot Jobs in Real Time? 165

Book Publisher Goes Real Time with Truman Fires MacArthur 167

Real-Time Futures Trading Training Course 168

III Grow Your Business Now 171

13 Let Them Communicate . . . Now 173

Real-Time Communications Policy 175

How to Develop Real-Time Communications Guidelines 185

Publishing Your Guidelines 186

Encouraging Communications 186

My Nordstrom Guy Does Real-Time Right 187

When One of the Flock Strays 188

Chief Real-Time Communications Officer 189

Let Employees Communicate Now 191

14 How Your Website Becomes a Real-Time Machine 193

Respond Now, While Buyers Are Hot 194

Know When She’s Ready for You 196

Test It Out! 198

What’s the Other Guy Doing? 198

15 Make the Sale 201

Real-Time, Data-Driven Marketing and Sales 201

Real-Time Technology 203

I Heard You Just Came into Some Wealth! 205

Make Your Sales Team Love You 207

Real-Time Sales Playbooks 208

They Know What I’m Doing! 210

16 Business at the Speed of Now 213

The Mass-Media Aberration 214

Lutz and Me 216

Yes, We’re Listening! 218

TweetDeck in Motown 219

GM Learns to Show Its Human Face 219

Lutz Always Gets the Last Word 220

How Real-Time Communications Sells Cars 221

Starting Up in Real Time 222

Improvising under the Volcano 225

It’s About Focusing the Mind-Set on the Tools 227

Appendix: 2010 Fortune 100 Real-Time

Speed Analysis 229

Media Sources 235

Acknowledgments 243

About the Author 244

Preview Newsjacking: How to Inject Your Ideas into a Breaking News Story and Generate Tons of Media Coverage 245

Have David Meerman Scott Speak at Your Next Event 247

Index 248

  • Format: pdf
  • ISBN: 9781118266144
  • Publisher: WILEY
  • Author: David Meerman Scott
  • Ean Code: 9781118266144
  • Book type: E-book
  • Language: English
  • DRM: Adobe DRM
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