Introduction .1
Part 1: Quickly into QuickBooks .5
CHAPTER 1: QuickBooks: The Heart of Your Business 7
CHAPTER 2: The Big Setup .17
CHAPTER 3: Populating QuickBooks Lists .35
Part 2: Daily Entry Tasks .81
CHAPTER 4: Creating Invoices and Credit Memos .83
CHAPTER 5: Reeling in the Dough 107
CHAPTER 6: Paying the Bills 131
CHAPTER 7: Inventory Magic 155
CHAPTER 8: Keeping Your Checkbook 175
CHAPTER 9: Paying with Plastic 193
Part 3: Stuff You Do from Time to Time 203
CHAPTER 10: Printing Checks 205
CHAPTER 11: Payroll 217
CHAPTER 12: Building the Perfect Budget 229
CHAPTER 13: Online with QuickBooks 237
Part 4: Housekeeping Chores 249
CHAPTER 14: The Balancing Act 251
CHAPTER 15: Reporting on the State of Affairs 261
CHAPTER 16: Job Estimating, Billing, and Tracking 275
CHAPTER 17: File Management Tips 285
CHAPTER 18: Fixed Assets and Vehicle Lists 297
Part 5: The Part of Tens 309
CHAPTER 19: Tips for Handling (Almost) Ten Tricky Situations 311
CHAPTER 20: (Almost) Ten Secret Business Formulas 319
Part 6: Appendixes 335
APPENDIX A: Installing QuickBooks in 11 Easy Steps 337
APPENDIX B: If Numbers Are Your Friends 341
APPENDIX C: Sharing QuickBooks Files 359
Index 369