
Foreword ix

Acknowledgements xi

Chapter 1 Introduction 1

The National Health Service 6

Career 8

Portfoliocareer 13

Working paradigms 15

Planning your career 18

Being a dental professional 20

Workforce and workforce planning 23

Bibliography 25

Chapter 2 Demography and society in the United Kingdom 28

Demography – general 29

Population size 30

Population age 30

General health 33

Oral health 35

Health of dentists 42

Dental care professionals 44

Working patterns 45

Impact on dental professionals 46

Technology rising 48

Retirement 51

Bibliography 55

Chapter 3 Dental opportunities 57

Is the dental workforce today the workforce we will need in 10–20 years and beyond? 57

How can I develop a portfolio career? 58

Dental careers –variety and opportunity 63

Useful organisations 96

Bibliography 97

Chapter 4 Coaching and mentoring 99

Coaching 100

Mentoring 104

Career planning 110

Personal development 113

Useful organisations 116

Bibliography 116

Chapter 5 Case studies of dental professionals 118

Mrs Janet Clarke MBE 121

Miss Bal Chana 123

Dr Shazad Khan Malik 125

Dr Emma Worrell 126

Mrs Sophie Noske 128

Professor Ros Keeton 130

Dr Derek Richards 132

Professor Deborah White 134

ReenaPatel 136

Mrs Penny McWilliams 138

Short biographies 139

Conclusion 149

Chapter 6 Networking and networks 150

How do you network? 152

What networking should not be 155

Where can you network? 155

Types of network 156

Electronic networks 157

Network map 158

Curriculum vitae 160

Bibliography 166

Chapter 7 Training and qualifications 167

Credit accumulation transfer schemes 168

Clinical programmes 169

Nonclinical programmes 170

Financial investment 178

Other sources of information about courses 179

Useful organisations and networks 179

Case studies 179

How to develop experience 183

Professional associations and other useful addresses 185

Bibliography 185

Index 187

  • Format: epub
  • ISBN: 9781118913796
  • Publisher: WILEY-BLACKWELL
  • Author: Janine Brooks
  • Ean Code: 9781118913796
  • Book type: E-book
  • Language: English
  • DRM: Adobe DRM
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How to Develop Your Career in Dentistry
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