"This book is a marvellous introduction to a gallery of fascinating figures from the world of Big Money. The author has chosen a brilliant collection of crooks, entrepreneurs, philosophers, economists and bankers. These highly readable short lives provide an excellent education to any reader who wants to understand the personalities who shaped today's world of investment."
—Luke Johnson, Chairman of Risk Capital Partners, former chairman of Pizza Express and Channel 4 Television, Financial Times columnist and author of Start it Up.
The finance industry is one of the few places where the actions of a few - or even just one - can ripple throughout the world. Heroes and Villains of Finance profiles the fifty most influential characters who, whether rogues or paladins, are responsible for today's financial landscape. Their impact reaches far beyond the financial system itself, and has helped shape the course of human history. From philosophers and bankers to fraudsters and academics, this book is a striking introduction to the most remarkable characters in the history of finance.
Heroes and Villains of Finance charts the evolution of money and human history, one financial titan at a time.