
Contributors, ix

Foreword, xiii

Acknowledgements, xv

Section I: Introduction

1 An introduction to healthcare simulation, 3
Debra Nestel & Michelle Kelly

Section II: Theoretical perspectives and frameworks for healthcare simulation

2 Theories informing healthcare simulation practice, 9
Margaret Bearman, Debra Nestel & Nancy McNaughton

3 Historical practices in healthcare simulation: What we still have to learn, 16
Harry Owen

4 Exploring realism in healthcare simulations, 23
Debra Nestel, Kristian Krogh & Michaela Kolbe

5 Applying a framework to healthcare simulation: Micro, meso and macro levels, 29
Marcus Watson

Section III: Contemporary issues in healthcare simulation

6 Strategies for research in healthcare simulation, 37
Debra Nestel & Michelle Kelly

7 Simulated participant methodologies: Maintaining humanism in practice, 45
Debra Nestel, Jill Sanko & Nancy McNaughton

8 Narrative dramaturgy and sense making in healthcare simulation, 54
Teresa Crea

9 Haptics-driven healthcare training simulator systems, 60
Lei Wei, Hailing Zhou, Matthew Watson, Zoran Najdovski, Mick Fielding, Richard Page & Saeid Nahavandi

10 Virtual environments and virtual patients in healthcare, 69
LeRoy Heinrichs, Parvati Dev & Dick Davies

11 Consistency in simulation: A measurement perspective, 80
Brian Jolly

12 Taking simulation beyond education in healthcare, 86
Marcus Watson

13 The value of professional societies to the healthcare simulation community of practice, 90
Pamela B. Andreatta, Kirsty J. Freeman & Ralph J. MacKinnon

14 Faculty development in healthcare simulation, 105
Simon Edgar, Michael Moneypenny & Alistair May

15 Programme development and sustainability in healthcare simulation, 112
Komal Bajaj, Michael Meguerdichian, Jessica Pohlman & Katie Walker

Section IV: Elements of simulation practice

16 Ethics of healthcare simulation, 121
Nathan Emmerich, Gerard Gormley & Melissa McCullough

17 Teamwork and healthcare simulation, 127
Jenny Weller & Ian Civil

18 Designing simulation-based learning activities: A systematic approach, 135
Debra Nestel & Suzanne Gough

19 Facilitating healthcare simulations, 143
Michelle Kelly & Stephen Guinea

20 Strategies for managing adverse events in healthcare simulations, 152
Stuart Marshall & Cate McIntosh

21 Debriefing: The state of the art and science in healthcare simulation, 158
Adam Cheng, Walter Eppich, Taylor Sawyer & Vincent Grant

Section V: Innovations in healthcare simulation practice

22 Simulation of home births: Developing safe practices, 167
Arunaz Kumar & Debra Nestel

23 Optimizing learning in simulation-based education using video-reflexivity, 171
Suzanne Gough

24 Conversations about organ and tissue donation: The role of simulation, 176
Jonathan Gatward, Leigh McKay & Michelle Kelly

25 Commencing a simulation-based curriculum in a medical school in China: Independence and integration, 181
Fei Han

26 Transport of the critically ill patient: Developing safe practices, 185
Rafidah Atan, Kristian Krogh, Nor’azim Mohd Yunos, Suneet Sood, Naganathan & Debra Nestel

27 From routine to leadership: Extending the role of simulation technicians in Southeast Asia, 190
Bee Leng Sabrina Koh & Chaoyan Dong

28 Incorporating simulation in a medical city: A case study from King Fahad Medical City, 195
Hani Lababidi

29 ‘Who‘ and ‘how‘ in simulation centre development: Buddies and ground rules, 200
Eric So, George Ng & LY Ho

30 Operationalizing a new emergency department: The role of simulation, 205
Mike Eddie, Carrie Hamilton, Owen Hammett, Phil Hyde, Kate Pryde & Kim Sykes

31 Simulation modelling and analysis to test health systems, 209
Kenny Macleod & Robert Moody

Section VI: Conclusions and future practice

32 Twenty years on… forecasting healthcare simulation practices, 217
Debra Nestel & Michelle Kelly

Index, 221

  • Format: epub
  • ISBN: 9781119061649
  • Publisher: WILEY-BLACKWELL
  • Ean Code: 9781119061649
  • Book type: E-book
  • Language: English
  • DRM: Adobe DRM
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Healthcare Simulation Education
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