Each WORD from God is like an acorn fallen from the oak tree ready to take root and grow new life. In this creative endeavor, I have compiled 40 words which I feel have the power to challenge, affirm, and strengthen every seeker who is willing to travel this journey. These words are not to be read from beginning to end like any other book. Rather prayerfully ask God for which WORD you NEED. And when guided to that word, let it soak into your heart. Let it breathe within you. Live with it for awhile. This resource has helped me to crawl into the acorn and really dwell with the word. Inside, I found a sacred place where my spirit would find quiet rest and adventure. When all else around me was confused and agitated here I would find peace and like the acorn I grew! May these words bring you ever closer to the ONE who created you and desires for you more than you could ever imagine! ******* In reading the introduction to this wonderful book, I was visibly moved by the words I was reading. There is a power and a peace in opening a page of Pattis book and letting it take the reader into a quiet place. Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest. (Mk.6:31) This is a book that is like a well of spiritual refreshment ready for you to dive into its soothing depths at any reading. TOM PETERSON Executive Director, ACTS Missions, San Antonio, Tx.
  • Format: epub
  • ISBN: 9781449011888
  • Publisher: AUTHORHOUSE UK
  • Author: Patti King
  • Ean Code: 9781449011888
  • Book type: E-book
  • Language: English
  • DRM: Adobe DRM
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Acorns from God
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