Summary of a book, the most important five things that the dead regrets

The most regret that the regrets regret is how their lives passed and ended without trying to achieve any of their dreams for many reasons, such as fear of what they do . When you are about to leave this world, and think about dreams that you could not achieve, you will realize that the first reason for not achieving it is you!
The most regret that the regrets regret is how their lives passed and ended without trying to achieve any of their dreams for many reasons, such as fear of what they do . When you are about to leave this world, and think about dreams that you could not achieve, you will realize that the first reason for not achieving it is you!
Autor*in folgen


  • ISBN: 9786795471676
  • Seitenzahl: 16
  • Kopierschutz: Wasserzeichen
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 01.01.2023
  • Verlag: SAHLA BOOKS
  • Sprache: Arabic
  • Formate: epub

