Prologue ix
1 Persistence of Vision: Inspire team members, customers, and investors with a Product Vision: a mental image of your desired future 1
2 Stories of Your Life and Others: Discover the Business Lifecycle of startups and scaleups and reflect on exploration, execution, and Product/Market Fit 7
3 Picking Up the Pieces: Make a Business Quilt by remixing the Lean Canvas and Business Model Can...
Prologue ix
1 Persistence of Vision: Inspire team members, customers, and investors with a Product Vision: a mental image of your desired future 1
2 Stories of Your Life and Others: Discover the Business Lifecycle of startups and scaleups and reflect on exploration, execution, and Product/Market Fit 7
3 Picking Up the Pieces: Make a Business Quilt by remixing the Lean Canvas and Business Model Can...