Part I: Hello, PC!
Chapter 1: Your Computer Won’t Explode.
Chapter 2: Your Basic PC Tour.
Chapter 3: Computer Assembly.
Chapter 4: On and Off.
Chapter 5: The Windows Tour.
Part II: The Nerd’s-Eye View.
Chapter 6: Deep Inside the Console.
Chapter 7: Connect This to That.
Chapter 8: PC Memory.
Chapter 9: The Mass Storage System.
Chapter 10: The PC’s Display.
Chapter 11: Input This!
Part I: Hello, PC!
Chapter 1: Your Computer Won’t Explode.
Chapter 2: Your Basic PC Tour.
Chapter 3: Computer Assembly.
Chapter 4: On and Off.
Chapter 5: The Windows Tour.
Part II: The Nerd’s-Eye View.
Chapter 6: Deep Inside the Console.
Chapter 7: Connect This to That.
Chapter 8: PC Memory.
Chapter 9: The Mass Storage System.
Chapter 10: The PC’s Display.
Chapter 11: Input This!