Chapter 1 Introduction.- Chapter 2 The normal mapping or subdifferential.-Chapter 3 Sinkhorn’s theorem and application to the distribution problem.- Chapter4 Monge-Kantorovich distance.- Chapter 5 Multivalued measure preserving maps.- Chapter 6 Kantorovich Dual Problem.- Chapter 7 Brenier and Aleksandrov solutions.- Chapter 8 Cyclical monotonicity.- Chapter 9 Quadratic cost.- Chapter 10 Brenier ’s...
Chapter 1 Introduction.- Chapter 2 The normal mapping or subdifferential.-Chapter 3 Sinkhorn’s theorem and application to the distribution problem.- Chapter4 Monge-Kantorovich distance.- Chapter 5 Multivalued measure preserving maps.- Chapter 6 Kantorovich Dual Problem.- Chapter 7 Brenier and Aleksandrov solutions.- Chapter 8 Cyclical monotonicity.- Chapter 9 Quadratic cost.- Chapter 10 Brenier ’s...