My Buried Treasure

0Bewertungen present you this new edition. This is a true story of a search for buried treasure. The only part that is not true is the name of the man with whom I searched for the treasure. Unless I keep his name out of it he will not let me write the story, and, as it was his expedition and as my share of the treasure is only what I can make by writing the story, I must write as he dictates. I thi...
WeiterlesenWeiterlesen present you this new edition. This is a true story of a search for buried treasure. The only part that is not true is the name of the man with whom I searched for the treasure. Unless I keep his name out of it he will not let me write the story, and, as it was his expedition and as my share of the treasure is only what I can make by writing the story, I must write as he dictates. I thi...
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  • ISBN: 9782819934677
  • Erscheinungsdatum: 06.11.2010
  • Verlag: PUB ONE INFO
  • Formate: epub

