Mein Warenkorb
Dein Warenkorb ist leer.
Acknowledgements xii
Introduction xiii
1 Literary Biography Now and Then 1
The Cinderella of Literary Studies 1
The Rise and Rise of Literary Biography 4
Dr Johnson: Biographer, Theorist and Subject 7
Virginia Woolf: Time, Memory and Identity 12
2 Life [Hi]Stories: Telling Tales 18
Aspects of Narrativ...
Acknowledgements xii
Introduction xiii
1 Literary Biography Now and Then 1
The Cinderella of Literary Studies 1
The Rise and Rise of Literary Biography 4
Dr Johnson: Biographer, Theorist and Subject 7
Virginia Woolf: Time, Memory and Identity 12
2 Life [Hi]Stories: Telling Tales 18
Aspects of Narrativ...