1. Regulating Adolescent Sexuality in U.S. Cinema: From Censorship to Child Pornography Laws
2. Flipping the Heterosexual Script and Race-Based Sexual Stereotypes in Teen Comedies of the 2010s and 2020s
3. Queering Consent: Navigating Performative and Subjective Consent in Queer Teen Films
4. "I Was Not Lolita": Child Sexual Abuse and Children's Agenc...
1. Regulating Adolescent Sexuality in U.S. Cinema: From Censorship to Child Pornography Laws
2. Flipping the Heterosexual Script and Race-Based Sexual Stereotypes in Teen Comedies of the 2010s and 2020s
3. Queering Consent: Navigating Performative and Subjective Consent in Queer Teen Films
4. "I Was Not Lolita": Child Sexual Abuse and Children's Agenc...