In this beautifully produced program, acclaimed hypnotherapist Dick Sutphen will help you release stress and realize a joyous, loving lifestyle through his technique of meditation and sleep programming.
The unique two-step process begins with the meditation on the first track, in which a relaxation process is followed by a chakra-balancing, altered-state induction. Once your aura is fully charged, Dick helps you call in your Spirit Guide. Even if you've never met your guide, this process will assure you make the connection. There will even be time for a special verbal message from your guide. Dick will lead you through the most impactful and proven manifestation techniques, including potent suggestions worded for maximum subconscious impact, visualization of your desires, and powerful mind-programming techniques. All of this is then reinforced on the second track, which works while you sleep.
Track 1: Meditation—With the assistance of your Spirit Guide, this meditation will help you focus on tranquility. You will learn to let go of the stresses and pressures of the world, handle your responsibilities with harmonious ease, and calmly face each day as it comes. The result is the relaxed, joyous, loving life of your dreams!
Track 2: Sleep Programming—By listening as you fall asleep, you double the power of Track 1. At the end of the session, you're instructed to drift off into a peaceful sleep and to awaken fully rested and at peace with yourself, the world, and everyone in it.
  • Read by: Dick Sutphen
  • Format: mp3
  • ISBN: 9781401964924
  • Publisher: HAY HOUSE AUDIO
  • Author: Dick Sutphen
  • Ean Code: 9781401964924
  • Book type: Audiobook
  • Language: English
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With Your Spirit Guide's Help: Release Stress
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