Before South Sudan got it independence, Sudan was at civil wars for two centuries. The first civil war started in 1955 and ended in 1972 in an Agreement signed in Addis Ababa. The Accords gave South Sudan Autonomy Government, but was terminated later after ten years, and also after the abolition laws apply all over the Sudan. The September Laws has discriminately particular group bases on races, religion and colour and ethnicity.

Because Sharia laws were applied all over the country, the officers of the South Sudan army of 105 and 104 battalion rejected Jafaar order by threatening to quell Jafaar order military. As a result Numery send machines forces to Bor to quell Kerubino mutiny in May 1983.

Because Jafar order was resist, the fighting erupted at Battalion 105 Barack in Bor, where Kerubino forces defeated and a large number of Jafaar forces killed including Jafaar second commander.

Because William Nyon was accused by aliening with Kerubino and Anya-Anya two forces. Therefore, President Jafaar Numery issued order of arresting him and he is brought to Khartoum for trial. After Bor and Ayod wars was over, the SPLM/A was formed with the two different ideologies “separation” and “secular united Sudan”. The separatist and unionist ideology was the cause of the split and the death of many founding fathers of the nation SPLM/A.

In 1997, the split groups signed the agreement known as Khartoum Agreement with regime in Khartoum.
In 2002 the SPLM/A and some of the split groups re-joined once again and unify their forces with Garang’s forces, until Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in Nairobi- Kenya in 2005 After CPA, the Transitional Government of National Unity was formed in Sudan and the rights of self-determination were exercised and the 99.9% vote for separation leading to the declaration of independence of the South Sudan on 9 July 2011.

After 2 years from independence the war within SPLM (Kiir and Riek) broke out in Juba where thousands killed.
Due to some reservations from the Kiir and Machar dogfight erupted in J1 in 2016 until 2018 Revitalise Agreement signed.
  • Format: epub
  • ISBN: 9781664104068
  • Publisher: XLIBRIS AU
  • Author: Aguer Barac Kuot Rual
  • Ean Code: 9781664104068
  • Book type: E-book
  • Language: English
  • DRM: Adobe DRM
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The Undisclosed Facts of South Sudan History
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