

"The Leadership Contract calls out the leadership crisis in today's world and thoughtfully lays out the ingredients to address this in each of us. Leadership is about hard work, embracing personal accountability, and remembering it is always about serving others. Molinaro is both practical and inspirational in his book and is clear if you are not ready to make a conscious choice to lead then stand aside for those who will."
—Michelle DiEmanuele, president and CEO, Trillium Health Partners

"When leaders decide to step up and lead, they often feel energized by that decision. But what comes next? Vince Molinaro brings a practical approach and realistic advice to help leaders bring that commitment to life. The book helps you work through the critical decisions and actions to develop into a great and impactful leader."
—Dr. Martha Maznevski, Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Ivey Business School, Western University

"Vince Molinaro's book throws the gauntlet down for leaders today. He asks them to make the commitment to principled leadership, and to step up and be truly accountable. This is a timely and important book!"
—Chester Elton, motivation expert and bestselling author of Leading with Gratitude, All In, The Carrot Principle and What Motivates Me

"Dr. Molinaro's important book challenges leaders to become more deliberate and conscious in how they lead. This approach is desperately needed in our world today. It's time for all leaders to decide to make their organizations truly great in a way that has a strong and positive impact on society."
—Dr. Raj Sisodia, FW Olin distinguished professor of global business at Babson College and co-founder and co-chairman of Conscious Capitalism Inc.

"The Leadership Contract is a powerful book. We have had the good fortune of implementing the principles and ideas with our leaders. We have seen them elevate their game, strengthen their character, and come together to drive the growth of our firm. If you need your leaders to step up, this book provides the formula for success."
—Barb Bahry, Vice President, Director, Organizational Development, Odlum Brown Limited

  • Format: epub
  • ISBN: 9781119440499
  • Publisher: WILEY
  • Author: Vince Molinaro
  • Ean Code: 9781119440499
  • Book type: E-book
  • Language: English
  • DRM: Adobe DRM
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The Leadership Contract
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