Jan Masaoka (San Francisco, CA) is a leading nonprofit thinker, writer, and editor of Blue Avocado, a bimonthly online magazine (50,000 subscribers) that features Jan's signature column Board Cafe (from which her book Best of the Board Café (Fieldstone, 2003, 2009) was compiled. As the former executive director of CompassPoint Nonprofit Services, she was named Executive Director of the Year in 2002 by Nonprofit Times, and California Community Leader of the Year in 2005 by Leadership California. She served on the Governance & Fiduciary Responsibility Committee of the Panel on the Nonprofit Sector, convened by Independent Sector to advise the U.S. Senate Finance Committee.

Steve Zimmerman, (Milwaukee, WI) M.B.A., C.P.A., is principal at Spectrum Nonprofit Services, a multi-service consulting firm specializing in business planning, strategy and financial analysis for nonprofits and foundations. An MBA and CPA, Zimmerman's previous work includes Projects Director at CompassPoint Nonprofit Services, Associate Director for Earth Island Institute, and CFO and Development Director for other community-based nonprofit organizations.  In addition to his consulting and training, he writes for Blue Avocado as well as The Nonprofit Quarterly and BoardSource.

Jeanne Bell (San Francisco, CA) is CEO of CompassPoint Nonprofit Services, a leading consulting, research and training firm for nonprofits. Based on her own CFO and COO experiences along with extensive consulting work, Jeanne coauthored Finance Leadership for Nonprofits (Fieldstone, 2005), and her published research work includes numerous nonprofit-oriented studies. The former Advisory Board Chair for the Institute for Nonprofit Organization Management at USF, she serves on the Alliance for Nonprofit Management board.

  • Format: pdf
  • ISBN: 9780470886953
  • Publisher: WILEY
  • Author: Steve Zimmerman
  • Ean Code: 9780470886953
  • Book type: E-book
  • Language: English
  • DRM: Adobe DRM
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