Pascal Voggenhuber
The Young Spirit Messenger
Pascal Voggenhuber
The Young Spirit Messenger
English translation
by Janice Geiser
Giger Verlag
This book was first published in German under the title:
Nachricht aus dem Jenseits
by Giger Verlag, Altendorf Svitzerland, in 2008.
1stEnglish edition 2015
© Giger Verlag, CH-8852 Altendorf
Tel. 0041 55 442 68 48
Cover: Hauptmann & Kompanie, Zürich
Layout: Roland Poferl Print-Design, Köln
ISBN 978-3-905958-80-5
eBook-Herstellung und Auslieferung:
Brockhaus Commission, Kornwestheim
This book is dedicated to my son Shane
“Love can never die.”
What is a Medium? True and False Views about a Medium
Mediumship and Spirituality
Is There Life after Life?
Feedback from a Client
Let the Dead Rest in Peace!
What Does the Spiritual World Look Like?
Do People Who Commit Suicide End Up in Hell?
Feedback on the Session with Pascal Voggenhuber
Children in the Spiritual World
Message from Mirjam
Report from Mirjams Parents
Spiritual Practice for Daily Life and Spiritual Laws
Genetic Karma
Regional Karma/County Karma
Religious and Philosophical Karma
Karma of Society, Media, Books, Schools, and Other Human Beings
Karma and Predictions about the Future
Can Mediumship Be Learned?
Exercises for Your Own Extrasensory Perception
Objective Clairvoyance
Subjective Clairvoyance
Objective Clairsentinense
Subjective Clairsentinense
Objective Clairaudience
Subjective Clairaudience
Where Are the Limits of Mediumship?
Does a Medium Need Thick Skin?
Spiritual Guides and Guardian Angels
What Is the Name of My Spiritual Guide?
Sitting in the Power or Healing Through Your Spiritual Guide
Public Relations
How to Prepare for a Session
Trust in What You Receive
Trance Mediums and Trance Mediumship
Aura Reading/Current Life Assessment
My Gratitude
Contact Information
Looking back, I would now say that it was probably “Great Bear,” Pascal’s spiritual guide, who led me two years ago – through the multitude of homepages on the web – precisely to Pascal’s online shop, which at the time was called“New Avalun” (a shop for spiritual products). Pascal’s first book, which was a spiritual novel he had self-published, was also listed on that page.
Somehow I was touched by the picture of this young man. I was impressed that such a young person would deal publicly with spirituality. At the time that was new for me.
Being curious, I ordered his novel, and I sensed immediately that it was the story of Pascal himself he was telling in the book: a young man, clairvoyant, and able to communicate with the deceased. He thankfully accepted my proposal to publish his story as a biography. I “only” wanted to publish a book, and I had no idea what this book would trigger, nor could I guess at the great skills hidden in this young man.
Last year, during his first public appearance at a book presentation at Lake Zurich, Pascal communicated a message from the afterworld to a lady in the audience unknown to him. That was the initial spark, the breakthrough for Pascal.
Since then, nothing has been the same for him or my publishing company. Both of us were literally overrun, and it was beautiful to see how many people – especially also young people – were opening up for these subjects. What has developed is a collaboration marked by deep, mutual respect and a great friendship.
Pascal sees taking away people’s fear of death as his main calling. The subject of death and the fears connected with it concern me quite often as well, especially after the serious illness of my youngest daughter, who floated for months on the border between life and death. However, until recently I had never had a consultation with Pascal. The death of my youngest sister was a very painful loss, and that caused me to call upon his help for the first time. My sister had lived near Munich, and Pascal had never met her, nor had I told him about her.
The session was overwhelming. So much detailed proof and so many incidences were communicated to me through him. He mentioned many details and gave proof which confirmed that she is still with us now.
Supporting Pascal’s work is a big challenge for me – both in my profession as well as my personal development. For both of us, his work demands a high degree of responsibility, empathy, strength, discipline, and continuous development. It is admirable how Pascal manages all this so well and can, thereby, help many people, all of which continually confirms to me the positive value of his work.
Every day through his work, I experience beautiful and touching encounters with people who enrich my life, for which I would like to say thank you.
Thank you, Pascal, that I can accompany you on your path. I wish for us many more beautiful years of friendship on our common spiritual path. Collaborating with you is a great enrichment.
August 2008
Sabine Giger
Dear Reader, what you can expect on this journey, I can’t really say, since I hope it will be a personal journey for everyone. But there’s one thing I’d like to say right off: I’m grateful to you from my heart that you’re taking this journey with me. I hope we can laugh and cry together, and that we can immerse ourselves in the extrasensory world in order to get to know ourselves and the spiritual world better. I also hope my book can give you comfort in case you’ve lost a loved one through “death.” My wish is that through this book, I can take away the fear of death for many people, because for me, in reality, death doesn’t exist. I hope you, too, will be able to realize this after reading my book.
I’m looking forward to taking this path together with you. We can hold each other’s hand and simply immerse ourselves in this book.
As I did in my last book, I’ll try to keep my words as simple as possible. I know by language standards, my book can’t be considered high literature. But it’s important to me that everyone can understand me, regardless of whether they’ve already been dealing with the subject of “life after death” for years, or whether this is the first book they’ll read about it. This was probably also a reason why my first book, Leben in zwei Welten (living in two worlds) became a bestseller, because it was simple in style and easy to understand. I hope I’ll be able to do that in this book as well.
Since I’m sure not all readers have read my first book, I’d like to introduce myself very quickly to the“new” readers, so they’ll also know who this Pascal Voggenhuber really is.
I was born on February 11, 1980 in Switzerland. At the age of 20 I discovered my talent for mediumship. It first appeared mainly in the form of clairvoyance. I was already skilled in mediumship before, but for me it was so normal I hadn’t noticed it. When I was 20, it became so intense I couldn’t shut my eyes to it anymore. At the moment here in Switzerland – and maybe also in other countries – I’m the youngest medium. But how should this be understood? Certainly – and I’m sure about this – there are many others and even younger people who are also skilled in mediumship and clairvoyance. But at the moment, I’m certainly the youngest trained medium working in this profession.
I wish, though, there will soon be many more young people becoming mediums and, especially, that they’ll undergo serious training. It’s very important to me personally that in the future we have mediums and clairvoyants who are trustworthy, who show people that a medium is nothing more than a normal human being, and that everyone has the talent to perceive so-called extrasensory activity. One person may have a fantastic ear for music or a beautiful singing voice. Likewise, there are many people who can perceive extrasensory activity. But a talent should be encouraged, and in-depth training is needed in order to become an expert in your field.
Once again, let me state very clearly that everything I write or say here is entirely my own personal perception. It may be different from other mediums, but I’ve made it my aim to only communicate to others what I’ve perceived and how I’ve perceived it. Only then can I stand 100 percent behind what’s written here.
Dear Reader, my opinions and perceptions might not be, in their details, so important to you. Who am I, after all, that I could claim to always speak the truth? It’s only important to me to stay faithful to my perception, and I hope that you, too, can always do this in your life. When my lines of text help you or show you something, and maybe even help you develop a bit further on your life journey – that makes me happy. But should you disagree with my words and thoughts – that makes me just as happy. For it shows me you don’t just believe me, but you’re thinking about what I write, and that’s my goal. I don’t want you to believe me; rather I’d like you to take your own path to discover whether or not something in my words is true. I’m glad when you find your own truth, even if it might be totally different from mine. I also don’t believe there’s only one truth or one way to reach a goal; rather each person has their own personal truth and personal goal and, therefore, also their own path. This way, everything we do and perceive from our heart is always the right thing for us. I thank you, however, for your trust in me and that during the next few hours or days, we’ll be spending some time together. Even if we don’t know each other personally, we’ll be together on a fascinating journey.
You might even get mad at me, but that’s exactly what makes our journey so exciting.
One more thought. Perhaps in this book, or in one you’ve already read or heard about, I’ll contradict myself. If that happens, don’t worry – try to find your own truth! The human being is always learning, and so am I.
What is a Medium? True and False Views about a Medium
The term “medium” has become fashionable in recent times, and many people know approximately what it means, but I often realize that many don’t know exactly how a medium works. So I would like to explain it right at the beginning of this book: A medium is a human being who can communicate with the spiritual world, that is, with the deceased, spiritual guides or angels. Put more simply, a medium is the mediator between the spiritual world and a client.
Many people think that a medium can predict the future, but this isn’t always true. Here and there events are shown to us that do happen in the future, but in most cases it’s just a coincidence. I work primarily as a medium and provide contact with the deceased for my clients.
However, I’ve also offered aura readings, as I call them. I analyze the aura of my clients and show them their problems and possible solutions in a kind of current life assessment. I can see clear tendencies for the future in the aura, but as I explained before, I only see tendencies. In my opinion, the future is not clearly predetermined but only certain major life events are. You can picture this like a train ride from Zurich to Basel. The route is set by the fixed train tracks. However, along the way we can get off, visit other towns and villages, and what we do or don’t do in those places is up to us. But at each moment our actions have a part in creating our future. This is how I can recognize tendencies in what might happen, because the client has acted in this way or another way in the past. When I plant corn, I reap corn.
Later on, I’ll address the topic of predicting the future a little more thoroughly. In this book, however, I want to focus on presenting mediumistic skills, in other words, the communication with the deceased and spiritual guides. I call myself a medium and I earn my livelihood as a mediumistic counselor. Sometimes I experience humorous things, for example, if someone asks me what I do professionally. I can still remember quite well a situation where I was invited over to a friend’s house and was chatting with a woman. She asked me about my job and I answered,“I’m a medium.” “Oh! Hmm, then you must be gay.” I looked at her quite shocked and wondered if I’d heard wrong. I asked, “Excuse me, what did you just say?” She replied, “I wondered if you were gay. I’ve heard that mediums are fat older women in menopause or are young gay men.” I could hardly stop laughing afterwards, but it seems that this is a view many people have about mediums.
It is probably true that many male mediums are homosexual, but not all are. A medium works mainly with emotions and has a great desire to support and help others. Those are more female characteristics, so it is understandable that among mediums you find quite a number of homosexual men, but nowhere near are all homosexual, and I’m not one of them. However, I’m also confronted with other prejudices. In England, for example, the majority of the mediums are a bit overweight. This became a disadvantage for me at an esoteric fair. After my presentation, a woman told me, “You can’t be a good medium! You are way too thin. Good mediums are heavier.” That was the funniest, but also the stupidest thing I’d ever heard. Because regardless of whether you are young, old, heavy, slim, homosexual, hetero, or whatever – all those labels are no indication that you’re a good medium.
Many people also believe that because I’m clairvoyant, I know everything, or that we mediums always see everything. This is not the case. During my training I learned how to turn my abilities“on and off” It would be way too tiring to constantly see everything. However, quite often I experience that people I meet outside of my consultations want proof that I’m really clairvoyant. Sometimes this is amusing, but sometimes it can also get on your nerves. When someone asks me about my work, many say, “Oh, do you see my grandmother? What’s she saying? Will I get married in the future? And when?“
I always ask what the person does for a living, and if someone says, for example, he’s a mason, I ask back, “Great, you’re in construction! Could you build a villa for me here really fast?”
Recently a younger woman came to my table and said, “Hello, I’ve heard that you are a clairvoyant! But crap like that doesn’t even exist!” I didn’t respond because I didn’t feel like I wanted to justify myself. But then came, “Can you prove to me that you aren’t crazy?” I looked at her and said, “No, I can’t do that because I believe I am crazy.” But still she wouldn’t leave me alone. My best friend Pablo gave me a look that said, “Hey, just end this pathetic scene and get her to leave us in peace.” So I continued, “Listen, I see you’re wearing black panties; you bought them at H&M, right? They cost 29.90 francs! It’s true, isn’t it?” She looked at me all surprised and said, “Yeah, incredible, it’s true.” I continued, “Okay, and you know what else is being shown to me? You should put on some fresh underwear; you should change it at least once a day.” She turned completely red and left our table, and we were able to enjoy our free evening. That was certainly not the kindest way of dealing with her, but even I can’t always be nice with people.
Many people, of course, would like to know lottery numbers from me, but honestly, even if I could know these things, I wouldn’t tell anyone. Another topic I’m often confronted with is money. There are quite a few people who think that a medium shouldn’t ask for money. I can’t understand that. After all, everything costs money, but time and again I have to hear that my gift comes from God and therefore I’m not allowed to earn money with it. I don’t consider it a gift, but rather a talent, so to follow their logic nobody would be allowed to make money with their talents. Religions, for example, also come from God, and in Switzerland we pay church taxes for them. Yes, even death is determined by God, and everyone who has lost a close family member knows that even death is not free. So I say to all those, if they would pay my living expenses and those of my assistants, I would work for free.
Nobody is forced to come to a consultation with me. It’s voluntary and everyone can decide on their own if they want to spend money on a consultation. Personally, I don’t believe that money spoils character – rather it makes what already exists visible. I’m often reminded of a quote by Bruno Würtenberger: “Money is dirty, but only if it ends up in dirty hands.” However, each medium should decide this for themselves, just as each client does.
Many people believe that mediums are better people. This, unfortunately, is not the case. I’m a human being like everyone else. Just like the deceased are not suddenly enlightened and can play the harp. I find it fascinating what people expect when they come into my practice. Television teams especially have always been very disappointed by my practice. What comes up again and again is the image of a medium holding a session in the dark by candlelight – the air filled with smoke from a variety of incense sticks, or at least a crystal ball or something else spectacular is in the room. This is not the case with me. Many people tell me that my practice is even more unspectacular than a doctor’s.
Others think I chase spirits or visit haunted houses, but this is also not the case. It happens once in a while that I’m asked to inspect the home of clients because they have the impression their house is haunted, but my main task is to create contact between this and the other world.
I personally don’t believe in evil spirits or demons. I’ve never seen one, and I don’t know of any other serious medium who has witnessed possessions or evil spirits. There is much in life that can perhaps terrify us at first sight or cause fear, but according to my perception there is no evil. Up until now, all my clients who thought they were possessed by an evil spirit had a psychosis and no evil spirit. They were no longer in psychic balance. In my first book I wrote more about all this.
Of course it often happens that the deceased want to contact their living relatives. This can certainly be uncomfortable sometimes, especially if we don’t know who or what it is that’s frightening us. Just recently I had a case where a client had been hearing“knocking” in her bedroom. She was sure this was something evil, but it didn’t turn out to be. I checked if I could perceive a deceased person with her, and I saw her mother.“Your mother from the spiritual world has made contact. She informed me that she died recently and couldn’t say goodbye to you. It was her who wanted to make herself known through the knocking. She wants to tell you that she is fine and she wants to say goodbye. Can you understand this?” My client could understand everything and the noises disappeared, as she told me later.
Needless to say, you should also check beforehand if certain knocking sounds don’t have a natural cause, because in most cases they do.
Mediumship and Spirituality
Before we get deeper into the subject of the spiritual world, I’d like to clarify one of the greatest misunderstandings. During consultations in my practice, I’m frequently asked the question: “Do I have spiritual potential or talent?”
Clients would like to know whether they have mediumistic, healing, or other extrasensory abilities, however, spirituality has nothing to do with these.
Mediumship and spirituality are two completely different things. I’ve noticed that a distinction is often not made between them. Being a medium does not automatically mean that someone is spiritual. But unfortunately many people believe this – even quite a number of mediums themselves. But whether the mediumistic talent is used for “good” or for “bad” is always dependent on the person using the talent. During World War II, clairvoyants, for example, supported Adolf Hitler in the war. Nobody today would suggest that was an assignment marked by love. What I want to say with this is that no matter how mediumistic someone is, that doesn’t mean they’re spiritual (and a good person respectively), and of course vice-versa would also be true. I’ve had the privilege of meeting many spiritual people who were not psychically gifted. Plus, I’ve gotten to know many spiritual people who were not even aware of the fact that they were so spiritually advanced. And I’ve also met people who considered themselves very spiritual, yet in reality they had fallen prey to spiritual pride. I believe a truly spiritual person would never, from him or herself, claim to be spiritual.
I can still remember the beginning of my training very well. My teachers at the college for mediumship and healing kept telling us how important it was to have a spiritual attitude. How important it was to work at improving your character. At that time I underestimated all that. For me it was much more important to develop my mediumistic skills down to the minutest detail. For me a good medium, above all, had to be able to provide very precise information and many details and facts. This is still my conviction today, however I’ve learned something even more important: When a deceased person speaks through me, at that moment it’s not only important to provide many facts and details from the person’s life to the client, but also to relay, above all, the love and healing that’s being expressed to the bereaved.
The question is, of course, what does “being spiritual” mean after all? Today the expression “spiritual” is used very commonly and is, in my opinion, often abused or misunderstood. Previously, everyone called themselves esoteric who considered themselves so. At some point the word wasn’t good enough anymore – something newer was needed – and so the word “spiritual” emerged. I believe that you can’t understand spirituality with the rational mind – but only with the heart. And I’m convinced that you can’t be on a spiritual path. Spirituality is something personal, and each person can only discover their spirituality for themselves.
Spirituality to me is seeing and discovering God in everything that IS. Spirituality means surrendering to God or the Divine Energy and finding your own inner Divine core, or better said – recognizing it. Here alone, you can already see that spirituality and mediumship, which simply means communicating with the spiritual world, are two totally different things. Yet spirituality isn’t a path to God, because there are no paths to God – God IS. There are only countless numbers of ways leading away from God. When we recognize God in everything, and also the Divine in ourselves and, of course, in every other person as well, then we are spiritual. Whoever wants to reach God must become still, must stand still and stop following any path, and simply be. Since God is always and everywhere present, we can only encounter Him here and now. For a spiritual person, it’s not about being spiritual, but rather being with God. In my personal opinion, there is no right way that leads to God. There are also no spiritual practices that promise success and allow you to find God! Everything and every way is the right one, when through it you are able to recognize God. Stop searching for God and instead go into your heart and welcome Him. Have the courage to be that which you truly are. Stop leading a special way of life, following special practices, being nice only in order to be spiritual. True spirituality can’t be bought with things like that. God does not let Himself be discovered through prescribed activities and patterns of behavior. God and spirituality can’t be understood through the intellect; it doesn’t lead you closer to God when you try to understand spirituality with your head – you can only experience God. Stop wanting to understand spirituality and God – you’ll only get lost in intellectual masturbation. God can only be experienced in love and in everything you encounter.
My wish for you, dear Reader, is that the difference is clear. Of course mediumship and spirituality are close to each other, and they don’t exclude each other. Nevertheless, they’re entirely independent of one another, since there can be both mediumship without spirituality, as well as spirituality without mediumship.
While I’m clarifying terms, I’d also like to quickly explain the difference between mediumship and sensitivity. In English Spiritualism, a clear distinction is made between these two. Here in Europe the lines are more fluid. However I, too, differentiate between these two which, in my opinion, are totally different talents. As explained before, mediumship is the communication or the capacity to perceive the spiritual world or the deceased. A medium is a mediator between the spiritual world and clients. Sensitivity means receiving information and circumstances about a living person and relaying it. In other words, I read the energy of a living person. It’s possible that I don’t need any other means for this, or it can be that I work using the aura, cards, crystal bowls, pictures, or an object from the client. A medium is always also sensitive and must be able to read the energies of a spiritual being and those of a living person. A sensitive person, however, does not necessarily have to be able to perceive the spiritual world. It is only a small detail which separates these two things, but for me it’s important. I work as a medium and as a sensitive reader (aura reading), and for me these are two entirely different energies that I read and which I also use to access the information. The mediumistic energy is a very light and fast energy, while the sensitive energy feels to me a lot heavier and slower. When I watch mediums or sensitive counselors, I can see whether they’re working mediumistically or sensitively. They work with a different energy and with other energy centers (chakras). But that would lead us too far off and is probably not so interesting for most readers. However, in my opinion the differences between spirituality, mediumship, and sensitivity should be recognized.