The Drawings of Old London, which form the subject of this Catalogue, were made by Mr. Philip Norman, LL.D., F.S.A., in almost every case from the actual buildings, many of which have since been demolished or essentially altered in appearance. They form, consequently, an important record of characteristic examples of Old London architecture, chiefly domestic; and, from this point of view, may be recommended to the attention of students. The collection was purchased for the Museum, in January 1896, on the recommendation of Professor W. Middleton and William Morris.
The thanks of the Board are due to Mr. Norman for his courtesy in providing the whole of the descriptions of the drawings; and also for revising the proofs of the present edition and lending the block of No. 6, "The Old Houses, White Hart Inn."
The drawings can be seen by visitors, in the Students' Room of the Department of Engraving, Illustration and Design (Room 71), at any time when the Museum is open, except on Sundays. The Department also contains other drawings and prints of a similar nature; and a Topographical Index referring thereto.
Victoria and Albert Museum,
July 1913.