
Æsop's Fables

Published by Good Press, 2022
EAN 4057664634207

Table of Contents

Table of Content
To Enid.
The Daw in Borrowed Feathers
The Sun and The Wind
The Dog in The Manger
Mercury and The Woodman
The Fox and The Stork
The Ants and the Grasshopper
The Lion and The Mouse
The Crow and The Pitcher
The Frogs asking for a King
The Fox and the Grapes
The Wolf and the Lamb
The Fox and the Crow

Table of Content

Table of Contents

To Enid

The Daw in Borrowed Feathers

The Sun and The Wind

The Dog in The Manger

Mercury and The Woodman

The Fox and The Stork

The Ants and the Grasshopper

The Lion and The Mouse

The Crow and The Pitcher

The Frogs asking for a King

The Fox and the Grapes

The Wolf and the Lamb

The Fox and the Crow

To Enid.

Table of Contents
Enid, this is Æsop's house,
And the cover is the door;
When the rains of winter pour,
Then the Lion and the Mouse,
And the Frogs that asked a king,
And all the Beasts with curious features,
That talk just like us human creatures,
Open it, and ask you in!
G. R.

The Daw in Borrowed Feathers

Table of Contents