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© 2022 Thomas Hattemer Covergestaltung,
Herstellung und Verlag: BoD - Books on Demand GmbH,
Grafik: PixieMe/ BigAlBaloo/ Ografica/ Danler/
ISBN 978-3-7562-8013-1
Jacob Köth III. (1850 - 1904), builder of the 1888 house in Pfaffen-Schwabenheim. Probably link between two serial killers (Horrweiler, Gau-Bickelheim) and the noble clients. Because of the distances from the 1888 house to London, Koblenz and Frankfurt and the same angles in London and Rheinhessen (93.82), his death "out of town" in the month of Herbert von Bismarck's death, etc., probably involved in the action.
Similar to Jack the Ripper
In January 1889, six prostitutes are murdered in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua.
The murders take place in less than ten days.
The murderer disappears without a trace.
Some newspapers at the time raise the question whether this might not be the same murderer who officially killed five women in London (Whitechapel and Spitalfields districts) in the autumn of 1888:
Jack the Ripper
There are only the newspaper articles of the time. Original sources on the operation at the local police station were destroyed in the 1931 and 1972 earthquakes. This is how the editor of a local newspaper in Managua, Archimedes Gonzales, reported it to ex-detective and researcher Trevor Marriott in England. 1
I asked myself, if the number six wants to tell us something.
Same Killer: 4x London and 6x Managua
Based on the codes in distances (London and Managua) angles (London) and names of persons and streets (London) I can show that the following murders were committed by the same person Anton Zahn:
In my book before, I showed that a German order from the very top may be behind this, which historians and others should re-examine.
Mary Jane Kelly killed without order
The following murder, in my opinion, does not fit into the pattern I had found out for London in 2021; reason: I cannot determine any coding.
Therefore I suspect that it could have been a copycat. Or: Jack the Ripper or Anton Zahn alias Carl Feigenbaum did it himself, but only "privately", i.e. without instructions from above.
Mary Jane Kelly (ca. 1863 - Nov. 9, 1888)
After all, this murder is 5 weeks after the last two murders. All the others are no more than 3 weeks apart.
In the other killings Aug. 31 – Sept. 30, 1888, and January 1889, numerous codings can be discerned. This was long planned in detail from above.
Just as the number 4 in London (with the slightly crooked cross) says something, the number 6 in Managua does.
The Star, Guernsey reports
1 Marriott, Trevor: Jack the Ripper, The 21th Century Investigation
London – Rhinehesse: 600 km, from there 6, 60 km
In my book "Jack the Ripper - Deutscher vom Rhein" (Jack the Ripper - German from the Rhine) I had stated that the distance from the point of intersection of the first four murders in London (31.8.-30.9.1888) to Anton Zahn's (alias Carl Feigenbaum) birthplace Gau-Bickelheim is 600 kilometres. 200 metres east of the cemetery is the point.
Exactly from this point in Gau-Bickelheim to the 1888 house in Pfaffen-Schwabenheim is 6 kilometres.
From the 1888 house to the middle of the Krönungsweg in Frankfurt between the cathedral and the Römer and to the southern end of the Kaiserin-Augusta-Anlagen in Koblenz is exactly 60 kilometres in each case.
So 600, 60, 6.
In my book in 2021 I had stated that "Jack the Ripper" is, in my opinion, "Anton Zahn alias Carl Feigenbaum". And: He acts on behalf.
So I would like to know, if traces of the murderer also can be found in Central America, and: intentionally laid tracks.
Despite the earthquake there still remain for the investigation:
a) The word "Agua" in Managua and Nicaragua,
b) the history of the country at that time,
c) the number six.
What lies 6, 60, 600 or even 6000 km away from Managua? Where exactly in Managua is the starting point? The places where the murdered women were deposited can no longer be traced. And perhaps they don't have to be.
The press wrote at the time:
3 women were found in suburbs, 3 others on avenues in the city centre.
Which traces should be laid?