

The reality of Hollywood

The way to success through an actor’s eyes


Copyright © 2021 by Benjamin Schnau

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Benjamin Schnau asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

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First edition


This book is dedicated to my mother Ines Schnau, born Ziem, and grandmother Adele Ziem, born Tiedge.


One thing is for certain, if you don’t take action, nothing will ever happen.

                         - Benjamin Schnau


Before you start reading, please take a minute and read through these first couple of pages as well to understand why I wrote this book and how you should perceive the information I’m given you. My name is Benjamin Schnau and I’m a German-born actor now living in Los Angeles for half a decade. Through my time in Los Angeles, I made a lot of experiences in the industry, good and bad. This book is truly based on every single personal experience I made from the very beginning when I first came to Los Angeles up until now still being here living the dream. You might ask yourself, why is he sharing his experience with me talking openly about all the things he has been through? If that’s the case I can answer it with just one word ‘Integrity’. I’ve been through many great but also difficult situations in my life. Before making the move to Los Angeles I lived in London for 4 years coming from Germany after I lost my mother when I was 21 years old. This loss taught me the toughest lesson in life firsthand till this day by being on my own, making decisions by myself and therefore prepared me for what has been lying ahead of me. I want to share my story with you as I know that many people are out there who have the same dream and desire to become an established successful actor or actress in Hollywood. For all these people out there I want to make clear that this journey you might want to take by leaving your hometown, city, or even country won’t be easy, even more challenging the longer you live here. This book is the reality of Hollywood, the truth of what I experienced, and most importantly a way of how you can go about it. For every person, the way might be different but the things I lived will happen to all of you in one way or another. This book is not written by someone who is just at the very top of the mountain looking down praising that working hard and being persistent gets you there. Although this book will take these attributes which are important but will break them down into single pieces of what needs to be done for a completely new person in Los Angeles starting from scratch and climbing up the ladder to get where they want to be. It doesn’t matter where you are from, how you look, or what language you speak. I believe there is a place for everyone in Hollywood, you just have to play your cards right and be true to yourself at all times.

If that didn’t scare you off, let me tell you the reward of living your passion and making a living off of it is one of the best feelings I’ve ever had. Therefore taking the effort, putting yourself out of your comfort zone, and start moving is worth it. But again it’s not just about moving but how to strategically position yourself in the world of (show) business.

As you will notice every topic will have questions as a title. Questions you might have always asked yourself as someone who wants to come to Hollywood. So did I. Let’s start our journey by going through all the steps of what’s needed and all the situations I faced doing exactly that.

I. What is the right mindset for Hollywood?