Pages 83 to 184.
Part Second.—THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS for the use of the Materia Medica and other agents. (Arranged alphabetically under the titles of the various Pathologic Conditions.)
This part summarizes in brief form, the principal means of treatment for each form of disease, as reported to be in good use with practitioners at the present time. The statements hereon are drawn from the standard works of the leading modern writers on Therapeutics, and supplemented—in the case of definite chemicals of more recent introduction—by the reports of reputable clinical investigators.
Pages 185 to 192.
Part Third.—CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICAMENTS according to their Physiologic Actions. (Arranged alphabetically under the titles of the Actions.)
This part recapitulates, for ready survey, such statements as are already given in "Part I," as to the modes of action of the various medicaments.
THE MATERIA MEDICA, as in actual use to-day by American Physicians. |
(See pages 9 to 82.) |
THERAPEUTIC INDICATIONS for the use of the Materia Medica and other agents. |
(See pages 83 to 184.) |
CLASSIFICATION OF MEDICAMENTS according to their Physiologic Actions. |
(See pages 185 to 192.) |
For Details, see Descriptive Table of Contents, on pages 6 and 7.
Merck's 1899 Manual.
Reader please note:—
The GALENIC PREPARATIONS of the United States Pharmacopœia, when not listed under their own titles, will be found under the titles of the drugs from which they are derived.
FOODS AND DIETETIC PRODUCTS proper will be found under the title: "Foods"; while Digestants, Hematinics, etc., are listed under their own titles.
small type is employed for botanic drugs, gums, and some others of the older drugs and preparations which are so well known as to require but little description.
Those articles of which the MERCK brand is on the market, are—for convenience in prescribing—designated accordingly.
Absinthin Merck.
ABSINTHIIN—Yellow-brown, amorph. or cryst. powd.; very bitter.—Sol. in alcohol, chloroform; slightly in ether; insol. in water.—Bitter Tonic (in anorexia, constipation, chlorosis, etc.).—Dose: 1½—4 grn.
Wormwood.—Dose: 20—40 grn.—Infus. (1—2:64) and oil (D., 1—3 min.) used.
Gum Arabic.—Sol. in water, insol. in alcohol.—Preparations: Mucilage, Syr.—both vehicles.
Acetanilid Merck.—U.S.P.—Cryst. or Powd.
Antifebrin.—Wh. scales or powd.; odorl.; burning taste.—Sol. in 194 parts water, 5 alcohol, 18 ether; very sol. in chloroform.—Antipyretic, Analgesic, Antirheumatic, Antiseptic.—Uses: Intern., fever, rheumatism, headache, alcoholism, delirium, neuralgia, sleeplessness in children, etc.; extern., like iodoform, and as a preservative of hypodermic solutions (1:500).—Dose: 3—10 grn., in powd., alcoholic solut., or hot water cooled down and sweetened to taste. Max. D.: 15 grn. single, 60 grn. daily.—Caution: Avoid large doses in fever!
Acetyl-phenyl-hydrazine Merck.
Hydracetin; Pyrodin.—Prisms, or tablets: silky luster; odorl.; tastel.—Sol. in 50 parts water; in alcohol, chloroform.—Antipyretic, Analgesic, Antiparasitic—Uses: Intern., to reduce fever generally, in rheumatism, etc.; extern., psoriasis and other skin diseases.—Dose: ½—3 grn.—Extern. in 10% oint.
Acid, Acetic, Merck.—Glacial.—U.S.P.—99.5%.—C.P.
Caustic (in warts or corns) and Vesicant. Not used internally.—Antidotes: Emetics, magnesia, chalk, soap, oil, etc.
Acid, Acetic, Merck.—U.S.P.—36%.
Dose: 15—40 ♏, well diluted.
Acid, Acetic, Diluted—U.S.P.
6 per cent.—Dose: 2—4 drams.
Acid, Agaricic, Merck.
Agaric, Laricic or Agaricinic, Acid.—Powd.; odorl.; almost tastel.—Sol. in ether or chloroform; in 130 parts cold and 10 parts boiling alcohol.—Antihidrotic.—Uses: Night-sweat of phthisis, and to check the sudorific effects of antipyretics.—Dose: ⅙—½ grn., at night, in pills.
Acid, Arsenous, Merck.—U.S.P.—Pure, Powder.
White powd.; odorl.; tastel.—SOL. very slightly in water or alcohol.—Antiperiodic, Antiseptic, Alterative.—Uses: Intern., malarial fever, skin diseases, chorea, neuralgia, gastralgia, uterine disorders, diabetes, bronchitis; extern., to remove warts, cancers, etc.—Dose: ⅙0—⅓0 grn. 4 t. daily.—Max. D.: About 1/12 grn. single; about ⅙ grn. daily.—Preparation: Solut. (1%).—Extern. on neoplasms in large amounts to get quick results: otherwise it is dangerous. Keep from healthy tissues, lest dangerous absorption may occur.—Antidotes: Emetics; stomach pump or siphon if seen immediately; hot milk and water with zinc sulphate or mustard. After vomiting, give milk or eggs, and magnesia in milk. If saccharated oxide of iron or dialyzed iron is handy, use it. If tincture of iron and ammonia water are within reach, precipitate former with latter, collect precipitate on a strainer, and give it wet. Always give antidotes, be the case ever so hopeless.—Incompatibles: Tannic acid, infusion cinchona, salts of iron, magnesium, etc.
Acid, Benzoic, from Benzoin—Merck.—U.S.P.—Sublimed.
Pearly plates, or needles; aromatic odor and taste.—Sol. in 2 parts alcohol; 3 parts ether; 7 parts chloroform; 10 parts glycerin; 500 parts water. (Borax, or sod. phosphate, increases sol. in water.)—Antiseptic, Antipyretic, Expectorant.—Uses: Intern., to acidify phosphatic urine, reduce acidity of uric-acid urine, control urinary incontinence, also in chronic bronchitis and jaundice; extern., wound dressing (1:100), in urticaria, etc.—Dose: 10—40 grn. 6 t. daily.—Incompatibles: Corrosive sublimate, lead acetate, etc.
Acid, Boric, Merck.—U.S.P.—C.P., Cryst. or Impalpable Powder.
Dose: 5—15 grn.
Acid, Camphoric, Merck.—C.P., Cryst.
Colorl. needles or scales; odorl.; feebly acid taste.—Sol. in alcohol, ether; very slightly in water; 50 parts fats or oils.—Antihidrotic, Antiseptic, Astringent, Anticatarrhal.—Uses: Extern., 2—6% aqueous solut., with 11% of alcohol to each 1% of acid, in acute skin diseases, as gargle or spray in acute and chronic affections of respiratory tract; intern., night-sweats, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, gonorrhea, angina, chronic cystitis, etc.—Dose: 8—30 grn., in powd.—Max. D.: 60 grn.
Acid, Carbolic, Merck.—Absolute, C.P., Loose Crystals or Fused.—U.S.P.
Phenol.—Dose: ½—2 grn., well diluted or in pills.—Preparations: Glycerite (20%); Oint. (5%).—Antidotes: Soluble alkaline sulphates after emesis with zinc sulphate; raw white of egg; calcium saccharate; stimulants hypodermically.—Incompatibles: Chloral hydrate, ferrous sulphate.
Merck's "Silver Label" Carbolic Acid is guaranteed not to redden under the proper precautions of keeping.
Acid, Carbolic, Iodized, Merck.—N.F.
Iodized Phenol.—Solut. of iodine in carbolic acid.—Antiseptic, Escharotic.—Uses: Uterine dilatation.—Applied pure, by injection.
Acid, Caryophyllic,—see Eugenol.
Acid, Cetraric,—see Cetrarin.
Acid, Chloracetic, caustic, Merck.
Mixture of chlorinated acetic acids.—Colorl. liq.—Uses: Escharotic.
Acid, Chromic, Merck.—Highly Pure, Cryst.; also Fused, in Pencils.
Incompatibles: Alcohol, ether, glycerin, spirit of nitrous ether, arsenous acid, and nearly every organic substance.—Caution: Dangerous accidents may occur by contact with organic substances. Avoid cork stoppers!
Acid, Chrysophanic, medicinal—so-called,—see Chrysarobin.
Acid, Cinnamic, Merck.—C.P.
Cinnamylic Acid.—White scales; odorl.—Sol. in alcohol, ether; very slightly in water.—Antitubercular, Antiseptic.—Uses: Tuberculosis and lupus, parenchymatously and intravenously.—Applied in 5% emulsion or alcoholic solut.—Injection (intravenously): ¾—¾ grn., in 5% oily emulsion, with 0.7% solut. sodium chloride, twice a week.
Acid, Citric, Merck.—C.P., Cryst. or Powd.
Sol. in water, alcohol.—Antiseptic, Antiscorbutic, and Refrigerant.—Uses: Extern., post-partum hemorrhage; pruritus; agreeable application in diphtheria, angina or gangrenous sore mouth; intern., cooling beverage to assuage fever, and remedy in scurvy.—Dose: 10—30 grn.—Preparation: Syr. (1%).—Extern., for painting throat, 5—10% solut. in glycerin; gargle, 1—2%; cooling drink, 80 grn. to 1 quart.
Acid, Cresotic, Para-, Merck.—Pure.
White needles.—Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform.—Children's Antipyretic, Intestinal Antiseptic.—Uses: Febrile affections, gastro-intestinal catarrh. Mostly used as Sodium paracresotate (which see).—Dose (acid): Antipyretic, 2—20 grn., according to age; intestinal antiseptic (children's diseases), ¾—1 grn., in mixture.—Max. D.: 60 grn.
Acid, Dichlor-acetic, Merck.—Pure.
Colorl. liq.—Sol. in water, alcohol.—Caustic.—Uses: Venereal and skin diseases.
Acid, Filicic, Merck.—Amorph.
Filicinic Acid.—Amorph., sticky powd.; odorl.; tastel.—Anthelmintic.—Dose: 8—15 grn.
Acid, Gallic, Merck.—U.S.P.—Pure, White Cryst.
Dose: 5—20 grn.—Incompatibles: Ferric salts.
Acid, Hydrobromic, Merck.—Diluted.—U.S.P.—10%.
Dose: 30—90 ♏, in sweet water.
Acid, Hydrochloric—U.S.P.
31.9 per cent. HCl.—Dose: 5—10 minims, well diluted.—Antidotes: Chalk, whiting, magnesia, alkali carbonates, and albumen.—Incompatibles: Alkalies, silver salts, chlorates, salts of lead, etc.
Acid Hydrochloric, Diluted—U.S.P.
10 per cent. HCl.—Dose: 10—30 minims, in sweet water.
Acid, Hydrocyanic, Diluted—U.S.P.
2 per cent. HCN—Dose: 2—5 min.—Max. Dose: 10 min.—Extern. 1: 8—16 as lotion, only on unbroken skin.—Caution: Very liable to decomposition. When brown in color it is unfit for use.
Acid, Hydro-iodic, Merck.—Sp. Gr. 1.5.—47%.
Deep-brown, fuming liq.—Antirheumatic, Alterative.—Uses: Rheumatism, bronchitis (acute or chronic), asthma, syphilis, obesity, psoriasis, to eliminate mercury or arsenic from the system, etc.—Dose: 5—10 ♏, in much sweet water.
Acid, Hypophosphorous, Merck.—Diluted.—10%.
Dose: 10—60 ♏.
Acid, Lactic, Merck.—U.S.P.—C.P.
Caustic—Applied as 50—80% paint.
Merck's Lactic Acid is perfectly colorless and odorless.
Acid, Laricic,—see Acid, Agaricic.
Acid, Monochlor-acetic, Merck.
Very deliquescent cryst.—Sol. in water.—Caustic.—Uses: Warts, corns, etc.—Applied in concentrated solut.
Acid Nitric—U.S.P.
68 per cent. HNO3.—Applied (as an Escharotic) pure.—Antidotes: Same as of hydrochloric acid.
Acid Nitric, Diluted—U.S.P.
10 per cent. HNO3.—Dose: 5—30 minims, well diluted.
Acid, Nitro-hydrochloric, Diluted—U.S.P.
One-fifth strength of concentrated, which is not used therapeutically.—Uses: Intern., jaundice, biliary calculi, dyspepsia, chronic rheumatism, etc.; extern., diluted, as sponge- or foot-bath, 2 or 3 t. a week.—Dose: 5—20 minims, well diluted.—Antidotes and Incompatibles: Same as of hydrochloric acid.
Acid, Osmic,—see Acid, Perosmic.
Acid, Oxalic, Merck.—C.P., Cryst.
Transparent cryst.; very acid taste.—Sol. in water, alcohol; slightly in ether.—Emmenagogue, Sedative.—Uses: Functional amenorrhea, acute cystitis.—Dose: ½—1 grn. every 4 hours, in sweet water.—Antidotes: Calcium saccharate, chalk, lime-water, magnesia.—Incompatibles: Iron and its salts, calcium salts, alkalies.
Acid, Oxy-naphtoic, Alpha-, Merck.—Pure.
White or yellowish powd.; odorl.; sternutatory.—Sol. in alcohol, chloroform, fixed oils, aqueous solut's of alkalies and alkali carbonates; insol. in water.—Antiparasitic, Antizymotic.—Uses: Intern., disinfectant intestinal tract (reported 5 times as powerful as salicylic acid); extern., in parasitic skin diseases (in 10% oint.), coryza, etc.—Dose: 1½—3 grn.
Acid, Perosmic, Merck.
Osmic Acid.—Yellowish needles; very pungent, disagreeable odor.—Sol. in water, alcohol, ether.—Antineuralgic, Discutient, Antiepileptic.—Uses: Intern., muscular rheumatism, neuralgia; extern., remove tumors, and in sciatica (by injection).—Dose: ⅙4 grn., several t. daily.—Injection: ½0—⅙ grn. as 1% solut. in aqueous glycerin (40%)—Antidote: Sulphuretted hydrogen.—Incompatibles: Organic substances, phosphorus, ferrous sulphate, etc.—Caution: Vapor exceedingly irritating to the air-passages.
Acid, Phosphoric, (Ortho-), Merck.—Syrupy.—85%.
Dose: 2—6 ♏, well diluted.
do. Merck.—Diluted.—10%.
Dose: 20—60 ♏.—Incompatibles: Ferric chloride, lead acetate, etc.
Acid, Picric, Merck.—C.P., Cryst.
Picronitric, Picrinic, or Carbazotic, Acid.—Yellow cryst.; odorl.; intensely bitter.—Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; sl. in water.—Antiperiodic, Antiseptic, Astringent.—Uses: Intern., in malaria, trichiniasis, etc.; extern., in crysipelas, eczema, burns, fissured nipples, etc.: 1/10% solut. for cracked nipples, ½—1% hydro-alcoholic solut. on compress renewed only every 3 to 7 days in burns.—Dose: ½—2 grn., in alcoholic solut.—Max. D.: 5 grn.—Antidote: Albumen.—Incompatibles: All oxidizable substances. Dangerously explosive with sulphur, phosphorus, etc.—Caution: Do not apply in substance or in oint., lest toxic symptoms appear!
Acid, Pyrogallic, Merck, (Pyrogallol, U.S.P.)—Resublimed.
Used only extern., in 5—10% oint.
Acid, Salicylic, Merck.—U.S.P.—C.P., Cryst.; and Natural (from Oil Wintergreen).
Dose: 10—40 grn.
Acid, Sozolic,—see Aseptol.
Acid, Sulpho-anilic, Merck.—Cryst.
White efflorescent needles.—Sol. slightly in alcohol; 112 parts water.—Anticatarrhal, Analgesic.—Uses: Intern., coryza, catarrhal laryngitis, etc.—Dose: 10—20 grn. 1 to 2 t. daily, in aqueous sol. with sodium bicarb.
Acid, Sulpho-salicylic, Merck.
White cryst.—Sol. in water, alcohol.—Uses: Delicate urine-albumin test.
Acid, Sulphuric, Aromatic—U.S.P.
20 per cent. H2SO4.—Best form for administration.—Dose: 10—20 min.
Acid, Sulphuric, Diluted—U.S.P.
10 per cent. H2SO4.—(Concentrated Sulphuric acid is not used medicinally.)—Uses: Intern., gastro-intest. disorders, phthisical sweats, exophthalmic goiter, etc.; also as solvent for quin. sulph., etc.—Dose: 15—30 min., well diluted.—Antidotes: Same as of hydrochloric acid.
Acid, Sulphurous—U.S.P.
6.4 per cent. SO2.—Antiseptic, Antizymotic.—Dose: 15—60 min., well diluted. Extern. 10—25 per cent. solut.
Acid, Tannic, Merck.—U.S.P.—C.P., Light.
Dose: 2—20 grn.—Preparations: Styptic Collodion (20%); Glycerite (20%); Oint. (20%); Troches (1 grn.).—Incompatibles: Ferrous and ferric salts, antimony and potassium tartrate, lime water, alkaloids, albumen, gelatin, starch.
Acid, Tartaric, Merck.—U.S.P.—C.P., Cryst. or Powd.
Dose: 10—30 grn.
Acid, Trichlor-acetic, Merck.—Pure, Cryst.
Deliquescent cryst.; pungent, suffocating odor; caustic. Sol. freely in water, alcohol, ether.—Escharotic, Astringent, Hemostatic.—Uses: Venereal and cutaneous warts, papillomata, vascular nævi, pigment patches, corns, nosebleed, obstinate gleet, gonorrhea, nasopharyngeal affections and indolent ulcers.—Applied: As escharotic, pure, or in concentrated solut.; astringent and hemostatic, 1—3% solut.—Caution: Keep in glass-stoppered bottle.
Acid, Valerianic, Merck.
Oily liq., strong valerian odor; bitter, burning taste.—Sol. in water, alcohol, ether, chloroform.—Antispasmodic, Sedative.—Uses: Nervous affections, hysteria, mania, etc.—Dose: 2—10 drops, in sweetened water.
Aconite Root—U.S.P.
Preparations: Ext. (D., ¼—½ grn.), F.E. (D. ¼—1 min.); Tr. (q.v.).—See also, Aconitine.
Aconitine, Potent, Merck.—Cryst.—(Do not confound with the "Mild"!)
Alkaloid from Aconite, prepared according to process of Duquesnel.—White cryst.; feebly bitter taste.—Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; insol. in water.—Antineuralgic, Diuretic, Sudorific, Anodyne.—Uses: Intern., neuralgia, acute or chronic rheumatism, gout, toothache, etc.; extern., rheumatism, other pains.—Dose: ⅙40—½00 grn. several t. daily, in pill or solut., with caution.—Max. D.: ⅙4 grn. single; ½0 grn. daily.—Extern.: 1:2000—500 parts lard.—Antidotes: Small repeated doses of stimulants; artificial respiration, atropine, digitalis, ammonia.—Caution: Never use on abraded surfaces. Danger of absorption! 10 times as toxic as the mild amorph. aconitine (below)!
Aconitine, Mild, Merck.—Amorph.—(Do not confound with the "Potent"!)
Uses: As aconitine, potent, cryst.; but only 1/10 as powerful.—Dose: ⅙4—½0 grn., very carefully increased.—Extern. ½—2% oint. or solut.
Aconitine Nitrate Merck.—Cryst.
Dose: Same as of aconitine, potent, cryst.
Adeps Lanæ Hydrosus Merck.—U.S.P.
Hydrous Wool-fat.—Yellowish-white, unctuous mass. Contains about 25% water. Freely takes up water and aqueous solut's.—Non-irritant, permanent emollient, and base for ointments and creams; succedaneum for lanolin in all its uses.
Adeps Lanæ Anhydricus.
(Anhydrous Wool-fat).—Contains less than 1% of water.
Adonidin Merck.
Adonin.—Yellowish-brown, very hygroscopic, odorl. powd.; intensely bitter.—Sol. in water, alcohol; insol. in ether, chloroform.—Cardiac Stimulant, mild Diuretic.—Uses: Heart diseases, especially mitral and aortic regurgitation, and relieving precordial pain and dyspnea.—Dose: 1/16—¼ grn. 4 t. daily, in pill, or solut. in chloroform water with ammonium carbonate.—Max. D.: 1 grn.
Agaricin Merck.
White powd.; sweet, with bitter after-taste.—Sol. in alcohol; slightly in water, ether, or chloroform.—Antihidrotic.—Uses: Phthisical night-sweats, sweating from drugs.—Dose: ¼—1 grn.
Bismuth Oxyiodogallate, Roche.—Grayish-green, odorl., tastel. powd.—Insol. in water, alcohol, etc.—Surgical Antiseptic, like iodoform; also Antigonorrhoic and Intestinal Astringent.—Dose: 2—5 grn. 3 t. daily.—Extern. pure, 10% emuls. in equal parts glycerin and water, or 10—20% oint.
Alantol Merck.
Amber liq.; odor and taste like peppermint.—Sol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether.—Internal Antiseptic, Anticatarrhal.—Uses: Instead of turpentine, in pulmonary affections.—Dose: ⅙ ♏, 10 t. daily, in pill, powd., or alcoholic solut.
91 per cent.—Sp. Gr. 0.820.
Aletris Cordial.
Not completely defined.—(Stated: "Prepared from Aletris farinosa [or True Unicorn], combined with aromatics.—Uterine Tonic and Restorative.—Dose: 1 fl. dr. 3 or 4 t. daily.")
Allyl Tribromide Merck.
Yellow liq.; cryst. mass in cold.—Sol. in alcohol, ether.—Sedative, Antispasmodic. Uses: Hysteria, asthma, whooping cough, etc.—Dose: 5—10 ♏, 2 or 3 t. daily, in capsules.—Injection: 2 or 3 drops, in 20 drops ether.
Almond, Bitter—U.S.P.
Preparations: Oil (D., one-sixth to ½ min.); Spt. (1 per cent. oil); Water (q.v.).
Almond, Sweet—U.S.P.
Preparations: Emuls. (as vehicle); Oil (D., 2—8 drams); Syr. (as vehicle).
Aloes, Barbadoes—U.S.P.
Dose: 2—20 grn.
Aloes, Purified—U.S.P.
From Socotrine Aloes.—Dose: 1—10 grn.—Preparations: Pills (2 grn.); Pills Aloes and Asafetida; Pills Aloes and Iron; Pills Aloes and Mastic; Pills Aloes and Myrrh; Tr. (1:10); Tr. Aloes and Myrrh.
Aloes, Socotrine—U.S.P.
Dose: 2—10 grn.—Preparation: Ext. (D., 1—5 grn.).
Aloin Merck.—U.S.P.—C.P.
Barbaloin.—Dose: ½—2 grn.—Max. D.: 4 grn. single, 10 grn. daily.—Injection: ¼ grn. dissolved in formamide.
Merck's Aloin, C.P., is clearly soluble, and meets all other requirements of U.S.P.
Marshmallow.—Preparation: Syr. (1:20), as vehicle.
Alums:—Ammonium; Ammonio-ferric; Potassium,—see Aluminium and Ammonium Sulphate; Iron and Ammonium Sulphate, Ferric; and Aluminium and Potassium Sulphate.
Aluminium Acetate Merck.—Basic.
Gummy mass or granular powd.—Insol. in water.—Uses: Intern., diarrhea and dysentery; extern., washing foul wounds.—Dose: 5—10 grn. 3 t. daily.
Aluminium Aceto-tartrate Merck.
Lustrous, yellowish granules; sour-astringent taste.—Sol. freely but very slowly in water; insol. in alcohol, ether, glycerin.—Energetic Disinfectant and Astringent.—Uses: Chiefly in diseases of the air-passages.—Applied in ½ to 2% solutions; or as snuff, with ½ its weight of powdered boric acid; 50% solut. for chilblains.
Aluminium Sulphate Merck.—U.S.P.—Pure.
White lumps or powd.; odorl.; sweet-astringent taste.—Sol. in 1.2 parts water.—External Antiseptic, Caustic, Astringent.—Uses: Fetid ulcers, fetid discharges; enlarged tonsils, scrofulous and cancerous ulcers; endometritis; nasal polypi, etc.—Applied in 1: 20 to 1: 100 solut., or concentrated solut.
Aluminium & Potassium Sulphate Merck.—(Alum, U.S.P.)—C.P. Cryst. or Powd.; Pure, Burnt; and in Pencils (Plain or Mounted).
Dose: 5—15 grn.; emetic, 1—2 teaspoonfuls.
Adonidin Merck.
Adonin.—Yellowish-brown, very hygroscopic, odorl. powd.; intensely bitter.—Sol. in water, alcohol; insol. in ether, chloroform.—Cardiac Stimulant, mild Diuretic.—Uses: Heart diseases, especially mitral and aortic regurgitation, and relieving precordial pain and dyspnea.—Dose: 1/16—¼ grn. 4 t. daily, in pill, or solut. in chloroform water with ammonium carbonate.—Max. D.: 1 grn.
Agaricin Merck.
White powd.; sweet, with bitter after-taste.—Sol. in alcohol; slightly in water, ether, or chloroform.—Antihidrotic.—Uses: Phthisical night-sweats, sweating from drugs.—Dose: ¼—1 grn.
Bismuth Oxyiodogallate, Roche.—Grayish-green, odorl., tastel. powd.—Insol. in water, alcohol, etc.—Surgical Antiseptic, like iodoform; also Antigonorrhoic and Intestinal Astringent.—Dose: 2—5 grn. 3 t. daily.—Extern. pure, 10% emuls. in equal parts glycerin and water, or 10—20% oint.
Alantol Merck.
Amber liq.; odor and taste like peppermint.—Sol. in alcohol, chloroform, ether.—Internal Antiseptic, Anticatarrhal.—Uses: Instead of turpentine, in pulmonary affections.—Dose: ⅙ ♏, 10 t. daily, in pill, powd., or alcoholic solut.
91 per cent.—Sp. Gr. 0.820.
Aluminum, etc.,—see Aluminium, etc.
Ammonia Water—U.S.P.
10 per cent. NH3.—Dose: 10—30 min.—Preparations: Lin. (3 per cent. NH3); Arom. Spt. (0.9 per cent. NH3).
Ammonia Water, Stronger—U.S.P.
28 per cent. NH3.—Dose: 4—10 min., well diluted.—Antidotes: Acetic, tartaric, dil. hydrochloric acids, after vomiting.—Incompatibles: Strong mineral acids, iodine, chlorine water, alkaloids.—Preparation: Spt. (10 per cent. NH3).
Gum or Resin Ammoniac.—Dose: 5—15 grn.—Preparations: Emuls. (4 per cent.); Plaster (with mercury).
Ammonium Arsenate Merck.
White, efflorescent cryst.—Sol. in water.—Alterative.—Uses: Chiefly in skin diseases.—Dose: ½ grn., gradually increased, 3 t. daily in water.
Ammonium Benzoate Merck.—U.S.P.
Dose: 10—30 grn. 3 or 4 t. daily, in syrup or water.
Ammonium Bicarbonate Merck.—Pure, Cryst.
Sol. in water, alcohol.—Antacid, Stimulant.—Uses: Acid fermentation of stomach; stimulant depressed condition.—Dose: 5—15 grn.
Ammonium Bromide.—U.S.P.
Dose: 15—30 grn.
Ammonium Carbonate Merck.—U.S.P.—C.P.
Dose: 5—20 grn.
Ammonium Chloride Merck.—U.S.P.—Pure, Granul.
Dose: 5—20 grn.—Preparation: Troches (1½ grn.).
Ammonium Embelate Merck.
Red, tastel. powd.—Sol. in diluted alcohol.—Uses: Tape-worm.—Dose: Children, 3 grn.; adults, 6 grn., in syrup or honey, or in wafers, on empty stomach, and followed by castor oil.
Ammonium Fluoride Merck.—C.P.
Very deliquescent, colorl. cryst.; strong saline taste.—Sol. in water.; slightly in alcohol.—Antiperiodic, Alterative.—Uses: Hypertrophy of spleen and in goitre.—Dose: 5—20 ♏ of a solut. containing 4 grn. to 1 ounce water.—Caution: Keep in gutta-percha bottles!
Ammonium Hypophosphite Merck.
White cryst.—Sol. in water.—Uses: Phthisis, and diseases with loss of nerve power.—Dose: 10—30 grn., 3 t. daily.
Ammonium Ichthyol-sulphonate,—see Ichthyol.
Ammonium Iodide—U.S.P.
Deliquescent, unstable powd.—Alterative, Resolvent.—Dose: 3—10 grn.
Ammonium Phosphate, Dibasic, Merck.—C.P.
Colorl. prisms; odorl.; cooling, saline taste.—Sol. in 4 parts water.—Uses: Rheumatism, gout.—Dose: 5—20 grn., 3 or 4 t. daily, in water.
Ammonium Picrate Merck.
Ammonium Picronitrate or Carbazotate.—Bright-yellow scales or prisms.—Sol. in water.—Antipyretic, Antiperiodic.—Uses: Malarial neuralgia, periodic fevers, and headache.—Dose: ¼—1½ grn., 3 t. daily, in pills.
Ammonium Salicylate Merck.
Colorl. prisms.—Sol. in water.—Antirheumatic, Antipyretic, Germicide, Expectorant.—Uses: In febrile conditions, bronchitis, etc.—Dose: 2—10 grn., in wafers.
Ammonium Sulpho-ichthyolate,—see Ichthyol.
Ammonium Tartrate Merck.—Neutral, Cryst.
Colorl.—Sol. in water.—Expectorant.—Dose: 5—30 grn.
Ammonium Valerianate Merck.—White, Cryst.
Dose: 2—8 grn.
Ammonium & Iron Tartrate Merck.—U.S.P.
Dose: 10—30 grn.
Ammonium Double-Salts,—see under Bismuth, Iron, Potassium Sodium, etc.
Not completely defined.—(Stated to be "Ammoniated Phenylacetamide.—Yellowish alkaline powd.: ammoniacal taste and odor.—Antipyretic, Analgesic.—Dose: 5—20 grn., 3—6 t. daily, in caps., tabl., or wafers.")
Amyl Nitrite Merck.—U.S.P.—Pure, or in Pearls (1—3 drops).
Caution: Amyl Nitrite is so very volatile that it is practically impossible to so stopper bottles that they will carry it without loss, especially in warm weather. Shipped in cool weather and kept in a cool place, the loss is not material, but if kept in a warm place, or if agitated much, so as to keep up any pressure of the vapor within the bottle, the loss will be considerable, proportionately to the pressure.—Dose: 2—5 drops, in brandy.
Amylene Hydrate Merck.
Colorl., oily liq.; ethereal, camphoric taste.—Sol. in 8 parts water; all proportions of alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene, glycerin.—Hypnotic, Sedative.—Uses: Insomnia, alcoholic excitement, epilepsy, whooping cough, etc.—Dose: Hypnotic, 45—90 ♏; sedative, 15—30 ♏; in beer, wine, brandy, syrup, etc., or in capsules.
Anemonin Merck.
Colorl., odorl., neutral needles.—Sol. in hot alcohol, chloroform; insol. in water.—Antispasmodic, Sedative, Anodyne.—Uses: Asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, dysmenorrhea, orchitis, oöphoritis and other painful affections of female pelvis.—Dose: ¼—¾ grn., 2 t. daily.—Max. D.: 1½ grn. single, 3 grn. daily.
Preparations: Oil (D., 5—10 min.); Spt. (10 per cent. oil); Water (one-fifth per cent. oil).
Anthrarobin Merck.
Yellowish-white powd.—Sol. in weak alkaline solut.; slightly in chloroform and ether; in 10 parts alcohol.—Deoxidizer, Antiseptic—Uses: Extern., instead of chrysarobin in skin diseases, especially psoriasis, tinea tonsurans, pityriasis versicolor, and herpes.—Applied in 10 to 20% oint. or alcoholic solut.
Antifebrin,—see Acetanilid.
Not completely defined.—(Stated: "Coal-tar derivative.—Wh., odorl. powd.—Antipyretic, Analgesic.—Dose: 5—15 grn., in powd. or tabl.")
Antimony Oxide, Antimonous, Merck.
Expectorant.—Dose: 1—3 grn.—Preparation: Antimonial Powder (33%).
Antimony Sulphide, Black, Merck.—(Purified Antimony Sulphide, U.S.P.).
Diaphoretic, Alterative.—Dose: 10—30 grn.
Antimony Sulphide, Golden, Merck.—C.P.
Alterative, Diaphoretic, Emetic, Expectorant.—Dose: ⅙—1½ grn.—Incompatibles: Sour food, acid syrups, metallic salts.
Antimony, Sulphurated, Merck.
Kermes Mineral.—Alterative, Diaphoretic, Emetic.—Uses: Cutaneous diseases and syphilis; alterative generally.—Dose: 1—2 grn. in pill; as emetic, 5—20 grn.—Preparation: Pills Antimony Compound (0.6 grn.).
Antimony & Potassium Tartrate Merck.—U.S.P.—Pure, Cryst. or Powd.
Tartar Emetic.—Dose: alter., ⅓2—1/16 grn.; diaphor. and expect., 1/12—⅙ grn.; emetic, ½ grn. every 20 minutes.—Preparation: Wine Antimony (0.4%).—Antidotes (as for antimonial compounds in general): Tannic acid in solut., freely; stimulants and demulcents.
Sodium salt of nosophen.—Greenish-blue powd., of faint iodine odor.—Sol. in water.—Antiseptic.—Uses: Chiefly in vesical catarrh.—Extern. in 1/10—½ per cent. solut.
Phenyl-dimethyl-pyrazolone.—Sol. in 1 part of water, 2 alcohol.—Dose: 10—20 grn.—Applied (as Styptic) in 20 per cent. solut. or pure.—Incompatibles: Acids, alkalies, cinchona preparations, copper sulphate, spirit nitrous ether, syrup ferrous iodide; also tinctures of catechu, ferric chloride, iodine, kino, and rhubarb.
Narceine-sodium and Sodium Salicylate, Merck.—Reddish, slightly hygroscopic powd.; 50% narceine.—Sol. in water.—Antispasmodic, Sedative, and Hypnotic.—Uses: Whooping-cough, laryngitis stridula, irritating coughs, etc.—Dose: (5% solut., 3—4 t. daily): under ½ year 3—5 drops, ½ year 5—8 drops, 1 year 8—10 drops, 2 years 10—12 drops, 3 years 15—20 drops, older children 20—40 drops.—Caution: Keep from air!
Antitoxin, Diphtheria.
From serum of blood that has been subjected to poison of diphtheria.—Limpid liq., generally preserved with ½% carbolic acid or other preservative.—Dose (children): Prophylactic, 200—250 antitoxic units; ordinary cases, 600—1000 units; severe cases (or those seen late, or of nasal or laryngeal type), 1500—3000 units; given hypodermically, and repeated in about 8 hours if necessary. Adults receive twice as much. Caution: The various brands differ in strength.
Apiol, Green, Merck.—Fluid.
Greenish, oily liq.—Sol. in alcohol, ether.—Emmenagogue, Antiperiodic.—Uses: Dysmenorrhea, malaria.—Dose: 5—10 ♏, 2 or 3 t. daily, in capsules; in malaria 15—30 ♏.
Not completely defined.—(Stated: "True active principle of parsley, in 4-min. capsules.—Emmenagogue.—Dose: 2 or 3 caps., with meals.")
Apocodeine Hydrochlorate Merck.
Yellow-gray, very hygroscopic powd.—Sol. in water.—Expectorant, Sedative Hypnotic.—Uses: Chronic bronchitis, and other bronchial affections. Acts like codeine, but weaker; induces large secretion of saliva, and accelerates peristalsis.—Dose: 3—4 grn. daily, in pills.—Injection: ⅙—½ grn., in 2% aqueous solut.
Canadian Hemp.—Diuretic.—Dose: 5—20 grn.—Preparation: F.E. (1:1).
Apomorphine Hydrochlorate Merck.—U.S.P.—Cryst. or Amorphous.
Dose: Expect., ⅙0—½0 grn.; emetic, 1/15—⅛ grn.—Inject. (emetic): 1/10—⅕ grn.—Antidotes: Strychnine, chloral, chloroform.—Incompatibles: Alkalies, potassium iodide, ferric chloride.—Caution: Keep dark and well-stoppered!
Aqua Levico, Fortis and Mitis.
Natural Arseno-Ferro-Cupric Waters, from springs at Levico, Tyrol.—Alterant Tonic.—Uses: Anemic, chlorotic, neurasthenic, and neurotic conditions; in scrofulous, malarial, and other cachexias; and in various chronic dermatoses.—Dose: Tablespoonful of Aqua Levico Mitis, diluted, after meals, morning and night. After a few days, increase dose gradually, up to 3 tablespoonfuls. After one or two weeks, substitute for the two doses a single daily dose of one tablespoonful of Aqua Levico Fortis, best with principal meal. Some days later, augment this dose gradually as before. Constitutional effects and idiosyncrasies are to be watched, and dosage modified accordingly. Decreasing dosage at conclusion of treatment, with a return to the "Mitis," is usual.
Arbutin Merck.
White needles; bitter.—Sol. in alcohol; slightly in water.—Diuretic.—Uses: Instead of uva-ursi.—Dose: 5—15 grn. 4 t. daily.
Arecoline Hydrobromate Merck.
White cryst.—Sol. in water, alcohol.—Myotic.—Applied in 1% solut.
8% solut. silver phosphate in 15% solut. ethylene-diamine.—Alkaline liq., turning yellow on exposure.—Antiseptic and Astringent, like silver nitrate.—Uses: Chiefly gonorrhea.—Inject. in 1:4000 solut.
Silver-casein compound; 4.25 per cent. silver.—Wh. powd.—Sol. in hot water; ammonia increases solubility.—Antiseptic.—Uses: Chiefly in gonorrhea, in 1—2 per cent. solut.
Dithymol Di-iodide.—Reddish-brown, tastel. powd.; 46% iodine.—Sol. in chloroform, ether, fatty oils; sparingly in alcohol; insoluble in water or glycerin.—Succedaneum for iodoform externally.—Applied like the latter.—Incompatibles: Ammonia, corrosive sublim., metallic oxides, starch, alkalies or their carbonates; also heat.—Caution: Keep from light!
Arnica Flowers—U.S.P.
Preparation: Tr. (D., 10—30 min.).
Arnica Root—U.S.P.
Preparation: Ext. (D. 1—2 grn.); F.E. (D., 5—10 min.); Tr. (D., 20—40 min.).
Not completely defined.—(Stated: "10 min. contain ⅓2 grn. each gold and arsenic bromides.—Alterative Tonic.—Dose: 5—15 min., in water, after meals.")
Arsen-hemol Merck.
Hemol with 1% arsenous acid.—Brown powd.—Alterative and Hematinic; substitute for arsenic, without untoward action on stomach.—Dose: 1½ grn., in pill, 2 to 3 t. daily, adding one pill to the daily dose every fourth day until 10 pills are taken per day.
Arsenic Bromide Merck.
Colorless, deliquescent prisms; strong arsenic odor.—Sol. in water.—Uses: Diabetes.—Dose: ⅙0—1/15 grn.—Max. D.: ⅙ grn.—Antidotes: Same as arsenous acid.—Incompatible: Water.—Caution: Keep well-stoppered!
Arsenic Chloride Merck.
Colorless, oily liq.—Decomposes with water.—Sol. in alcohol, ether, oils.—Dose: ⅙0—1/15 grn.
Arsenic Iodide Merck.—U.S.P.—Pure, Cryst.
Dose: ⅙0—1/15 grn., in pills.—Max. D.: ⅛ grn.—Incompatible: Water.—Caution: Keep from air and light!
Dose: 5—15 grn.—Preparations: Emuls. (4 per cent.); Pills (3 grn.); Tr. (1:5).
Asaprol Merck.
Calcium Beta-naphtol-alpha-mono-sulphonate.—Whitish to reddish-gray powd.; slightly bitter, then sweet, taste.—Sol. in water; 3 parts alcohol.—Analgesic, Antiseptic, Antirheumatic, Antipyretic.—Uses: Tuberculosis, rheumatism, pharyngitis, gout, typhoid fever, sciatica, diphtheria, etc.—Dose: 8—15 grn.—Extern. in 2—5% solut.—Incompatibles: Antipyrine and quinine.—Caution: Keep from heat and moisture!
Pleurisy Root.—Preparation: F.E. (D. 20—60 min.).
Aseptol Merck.
Sozolic Acid.—33–⅓% solut. ortho-phenol-sulphonic acid.—Yellow-brown liq.; odor carbolic acid.—Sol. in alcohol, glycerin; all proportions water.—Antiseptic, Disinfectant.—Uses: Extern., in diseases of bladder, eye, skin, and in diphtheria, laryngitis, gingivitis, etc.—Applied in 1 to 10% solut.—Caution: Keep from light!
Male Fern.—Dose: 30—90 grn.—Preparation: Oleoresin (q.v.).
Quebracho.—Preparation: F.E. (D., 30—60 min.).
Aspidospermine Merck.—Amorph., Pure.
Brown-yellow plates; bitter taste.—Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene.—Respiratory Stimulant, Antispasmodic.—Uses: Dyspnea, asthma, spasmodic croup, etc.—Dose: 1—2 grn., in pills.
Atropine (Alkaloid) Merck.—U.S.P.—C.P., Cryst.
Dose: 1/120—⅙0 grn.—Antidotes: Emetics; pilocarpine, muscarine nitrate, or morphine, hypodermically; tannin, or charcoal before absorption.—Incompatibles: Chemical, alkalies, tannin, salts of mercury; physiological, morphine, pilocarpine, muscarine, aconitine, and eserine.
Atropine Sulphate Merck.—U.S.P.—C.P., Cryst.
Uses and Dose: Same as of alkaloid.
(Other salts of Atropine are not described because used substantially like the above.)
Balsam Peru—U.S.P.
Sol. in absol. alcohol, chloroform; insol. in water.—Dose: 10—30 min.
Balsam Tolu—U.S.P.
Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform; insol. in water.—Dose: 5—15 grn.—Preparations: Syr. (1:100); Tr. (1:10).
Baptisin Merck.—Pure.
Brownish powd.—Sol. in alcohol.—Purgative in large doses; Tonic, Astringent in small doses.—Uses: Scarlet fever, chronic dysentery, etc.—Dose: ½—5 grn., in pills.
Barium Chloride Merck.—C.P., Cryst.
Colorl.; bitter, salty taste.—Sol. in 2½ parts water; almost insol. in alcohol.—Cardiac Tonic and Alterative.—Uses: Intern., arterial sclerosis and atheromatous degeneration, syphilis, scrofula, etc.; extern., eye-wash.—Dose: 1/10—½ grn., 3 t. daily, in 1% sweetened, aromatic solut.—Antidotes: Sodium or magnesium sulphate; emetic; stomach pump.
Barium Iodide Merck.
Deliquescent cryst.—Decomposes and reddens on exposure.—Sol. in water, alcohol.—Alterative.—Uses: Scrofulous affections, morbid growths.—Dose: 1/10—½ grn., 3 t. daily.—Extern. as oint. 4 grn. in 1 ounce lard.—Caution: Keep well stoppered!
Barium Sulphide Merck.—Pure.
Amorph., light-yellow powd.—Sol. in water.—Alterative.—Uses: Syphilitic and scrofulous affections; depilatory (with flour).—Dose: ½—1 grn. in keratin-coated pills.
Bebeerine Merck.—Pure.
Bebirine; Bibirine; supposed identical with Buxine and Pelosine.—Yellowish-brown, amorph. powd.; odorl.; bitter.—Sol. in alcohol, ether; insol. in water.—Antipyretic, Tonic, similar to quinine.—Dose: Febrifuge, 6—12 grn.; tonic, ½—1½ grn. 3 or 4 t. daily.
Bebeerine Sulphate Merck.
Reddish-brown scales.—Sol. in water, alcohol.—Uses and Doses: As of bebeerine.
Belladonna Leaves—U.S.P.
Preparations: Ext. (D., ⅛—½ grn.); Tr. (D., 5—20 min.); Plaster (20 per cent. ext.); Oint. (10 per cent. ext.)
Belladonna Root—U.S.P.
Preparations: F.E. (D., ½—2 min.); Lin. (95 per cent. F.E., 5 per cent. camphor).
Benzanilide Merck.
White powd., or colorl. scales.—Sol. in 58 parts alcohol; slightly in ether; almost insol. in water.—Antipyretic, especially for children.—Dose: Children, 1½—6 grn., according to age, several t. daily; adults, 10—15 grn.
Benzene, from Coal Tar, Merck.—Highly Purified, Crystallizable.
Miscible with alcohol, ether, chloroform, oils.—Antispasmodic and Anticatarrhal.—Uses: Whooping-cough, influenza, etc.—Dose: 2—10 ♏ every 3 hours, in emulsion, or on sugar or in capsules.—Max. D.: 45 ♏.
Preparations: Tr. (D., 20—40 min.), Comp. Tr. (D., 30—60 min.).
Not completely defined.—(Stated: "Alkaline solution of various highly approved antiseptics of recognized value in catarrhal affections; Dental and Surgical Disinfectant; Antifermentative.—Liq.—Sol. in water.—Dose: 1 fl. dr., diluted.—Extern. in 10—30% solut.")
Benzoyl-Guaiacol; Guaiacol Benzoate.—Wh., odorl., alm. tastel., cryst. powd.—Sol. in alcohol; insol. in water.—Antitubercular, Intest. Antiseptic.—Dose: 3—15 grn., in pill, or powd. with peppermint-oil sugar.
Benzoyl-pseudotropeine Hydrochlorate Merck,—see Tropacocaine, etc.
Berberine Carbonate Merck.
Yellowish-brown cryst. powd.: bitter taste.—Sol. in diluted acids.—Antiperiodic, Stomachic, Tonic.—Uses: Malarial affections, amenorrhea, enlargement of spleen, anorexia, chronic intestinal catarrh, vomiting of pregnancy, etc.—Dose: Antiperiodic, 8—15 grn.; stomachic and tonic, ½—1½ grn. 3 t. daily; in pills or capsules.
Berberine Hydrochlorate Merck.—Cryst.
Yellow, microcrystalline needles.—Sol. in water.—Uses and Dose: Same as berberine carbonate.
Berberine Phosphate Merck.—Cryst.
Yellow powd.—Sol. in water.—Most sol. salt of berberine, and easiest to administer, in pills, hydro-alcoholic solut., or aromatic syrup.—Uses and Dose: Same as berberine carbonate.
Berberine Sulphate Merck.—Cryst.
Yellow needles.—Sol. with difficulty in water; almost insol. in alcohol.—Uses and Dose: Same as berberine carbonate.
Betol Merck.
Naphtalol; Naphto-salol; Sali-naphtol; Beta-naphtol Salicylate.—White powd.; odorl.; tastel.—Sol. in boiling alcohol, in ether, benzene; insol. in water, glycerin.—Internal Antiseptic, Antizymotic, Antirheumatic.—Uses: Putrid processes of intestinal tract, cystic catarrh, rheumatism, etc.—Dose: 4—8 grn., 4 t. daily, in wafers, milk or emulsion.
Bismuth Methylene-digallate, Merck.—Gray-blue powd.—Sol. in alkalies; insol. in water or gastric juice.—Intestinal Astringent (especially in diarrheas not benefited by opiates).—Dose: 2—5 grn. every 3 hours, in wafers or powd.
Bismuth Benzoate Merck.—C.P.
White, tastel. powd.—27% of benzoic acid.—Sol. in mineral acids; insol. in water.—Antiseptic.—Uses: Intern., gastro-intestinal diseases; extern., like iodoform on wounds, etc.—Dose: 5—15 grn.
Bismuth Beta-naphtolate.
Orphol.—Brown, insol. powd.; 23% beta-naphtol.—Intestinal Antiseptic.—Dose: 8—15 grn., in pills or wafers; children half as much.
Bismuth Citrate Merck.—U.S.P.
White powd.; odorl.; tastel.—Sol., very slightly in water.—Stomachic and Astringent.—Uses: Diarrhea, dyspepsia, etc.—Dose: 1—3 grn.
Bismuth Nitrate Merck.—Cryst.
Bismuth Ter-nitrate or Trinitrate.—Colorl. hygroscopic cryst.; acid taste.—Changed to sub-nitrate by water.—Sol. in acids, glycerin.—Astringent, Antiseptic.—Uses: Phthisical diarrhea, etc.—Dose: 5—10 grn., dissolved in glycerin and then diluted with water.
Bismuth Oxyiodide Merck.
Bismuth Subiodide.—Brownish-red, amorph., insol. powd.; odorl., tastel.—Antiseptic.—Uses: Extern., on suppurating wounds, ulcers, in skin diseases, gonorrhea, etc.; intern., gastric ulcers, typhoid fever, and diseases of mucous membranes.—Dose: 3—10 grn., 3 t. daily, in mixture, powd., or capsule.—Extern. like iodoform; in gonorrhea in 1% injection.
Bismuth Phosphate, Soluble, Merck.
White powd.—Sol. in 3 parts water.—Intestinal Antiseptic and Astringent.—Uses: Acute gastric or intestinal catarrh.—Dose: 3—8 grn.
Bismuth Salicylate Merck.—Basic.—64% Bi2O3.
White, odorl., tastel. powd.; insol. in water.—External and Intestinal Antiseptic and Astringent.—Uses: Intern., phthisical diarrhea, summer complaint, typhoid, etc.; extern., like iodoform.—Dose: 5—15 grn.
Bismuth Sub-benzoate Merck.
White powd.—Antiseptic, like iodoform.—Uses: As dusting-powd. for syphilitic ulcers, etc.
Bismuth Subcarbonate Merck.—U.S.P.—C.P.
Dose: 5—30 grn.
Bismuth Subgallate Merck.
Odorl., yellow, insol. powd.; 55% Bi2O3f.—Siccative Antiseptic, and substitute for bismuth subnitrate internally.—Uses: Extern., on wounds, ulcers, eczemas, etc.; intern., in gastro-intestinal affections.—Dose: 4—8 grn., several t. daily.—Extern. like iodoform.
Bismuth Subiodide—see Bismuth Oxyiodide.
Bismuth Subnitrate Merck.—U.S.P.—C.P.
Dose: 5—40 grn.
Merck's Bismuth Subnitrate is a very light powder and fully conforms to the pharmacopœial requirements.
Bismuth Valerianate Merck.
White powd., valerian odor.—Insol. in water, alcohol.—Sedative, Antispasmodic.—Uses: Nervous headache, cardialgia, chorea, etc.—Dose: 1—3 grn.
Bismuth and Ammonium Citrate Merck.—U.S.P.
Sol. in water; slightly in alcohol.—Dose: 2—5 grn.
Black Haw—U.S.P.
Viburnum Prunifolium.—Nervine, Oxytocic, Astringent.—Preparation: F.E. (D., 30—60 min.)
Borax—see Sodium Borate.
Not completely defined.—(Stated: "Contains 19¼% boric acid, 5¾% sodium fluoride, 3% benzoic acid, 42% gum vehicle, ½% formaldehyde, 29½% water.—Colorl. liq.; miscible with water in all proport.—Surgical Antiseptic, Internal Disinfectant.—Dose: ½—1 fl. dr., in water.—Extern. mostly in 5—20% solut.")
Not completely defined.—(Stated: "5% aceto-boro-glyceride, 0.1% formaldehyde, with the antiseptic constituents of pinus pumilio, eucalyptus, myrrh, storax, and benzoin.—Arom., slightly astring., non-staining liq.—Antiseptic, Disinfectant.—Dose: ½—1 fl. dr., diluted.—Extern. in 5—50% solut.")
Brayerin,—see Koussein.
Hexamethylene-tetramine Bromethylate, Merck.—Colorl. laminæ, or white powd.—Sol. in water.—Nerve-sedative, Antiepileptic; free from untoward effects of inorganic bromides.—Uses: As substitute for potassium bromide.—Dose: 30—60 grn., several t. daily, in wafers or sweetened water.
Bromides (Peacock's).
Not completely defined.—(Stated: "Each fl. dr. represents 15 grn. combined bromides of potass., sod., calc., ammon., lithium.—Sedative, Antiepileptic.—Dose: 1—2 fl. drs., in water, 3 or 4 t. daily.")
Not completely defined.—(Stated: "Each fl. dr. contains 15 grn. each chloral hydrate and potass. bromide, ⅛ grn. each ext. cannab. ind. and ext. hyoscyam.—Hypnotic, Sedative.—Dose: 1—2 fl. drs.")
Sol. in alcohol, ether, chloroform, solut. bromides; also 30 parts water.—Dose: 1—3 min., well diluted. Extern. ¼—1 per cent. washes or oily paints; as caustic, pure or 1:1 alcohol.—Antidotes: Stomach irrigation, croton oil in alkaline solut., inhalation of ammonia.
Bromipin Merck.
Bromine addition-product of sesame oil.—Yellow oily fluid, of purely oleaginous taste; contains 10% bromine.—Nervine and Sedative.—Dose: Tea- to tablespoonful, 3 or 4 t. daily, in emulsion with peppermint water and syrup.
Bromoform Merck.—C.P.
Heavy liq., odor and taste similar to chloroform; darkens on exposure.—Sol. in alcohol, ether; almost insol. in water.—Antispasmodic, Sedative.—Uses: Chiefly whooping-cough.—Dose (3 or 4 t. daily): Under 1 year, 1—3 drops; 1—4 years, 4—5 drops; 5—7 years, 6—7 drops, in hydro-alcoholic solut. or in emulsion.—Caution: Keep well-stoppered!
Bromo-hemol Merck.
Hemol with 2.7% bromine.—Brown powd.—Organic, easily assimilable Nerve-tonic and Sedative; without the deleterious effect on the blood common to the inorganic bromides.—Uses: Hysteria, neurasthenia, epilepsy.—Dose: 15—30 grn., 3 t. daily.
Brucine Merck.—Pure.
White powd.—Sol. in alcohol, chloroform.—Nerve-tonic, like strychnine, but much milder.—Dose: 1/12—½ grn., in pills or solut.—Max D.: ¾ grn.—Antidotes: Chloral, chloroform, tannic acid.
Preparation: Tr. (D., 1—4 drams).
Preparation: F.E. (D., 15—60 min.).
Butyl-Chloral Hydrate Merck.
"Croton"-Chloral Hydrate.—Light, white, cryst. scales; pungent odor.—Sol. in water, alcohol, glycerin.—Analgesic, Hypnotic.—Uses: Trigeminal neuralgia, toothache, etc., insomnia of heart disease.—Dose: Hypnotic, 15—30 grn.; analgesic, 2—6 grn.; in solut. water, alcohol, or glycerin.—Max. D.: 45 grn.—Extern. with equal part phenol.—Antidotes: Atropine, strychnine, caffeine, artificial respiration.
Cadmium Iodide Merck.
Lustrous tables.—Sol. in water, alcohol.—Resolvent, Antiseptic.—Uses: Scrofulous glands, chronic inflammation of joints, chilblains, and skin diseases.—Applied in oint. 1 in 8 lard.
Cadmium Sulphate Merck.—Pure.
White cryst.—Sol. in water, alcohol.—Antiseptic, Astringent.—Uses: Instead of zinc sulphate in eye washes (½—1% solut.).
Caesium and Ammonium Bromide Merck.
White, cryst. powd.—Sol. in water.—Nerve Sedative.—Uses: Epilepsy, etc.—Dose: 15—45 grn., 1 or 2 t. daily.
Caffeine Merck.—U.S.P.—Pure.
Theine: Guaranine.—Dose: 1—5 grn.—Max. D.: 10 grn. single, 30 grn. daily.
Caffeine, Citrated, Merck.—U.S.P.
(Improperly called "Citrate of Caffeine").—50% caffeine.—White powd.; acid taste.—Dose: 2—10 grn.
Caffeine Hydrobromate Merck.—True salt.
Glass-like cryst.; reddish or greenish on exposure.—Sol. in water, with decomposition.—Uses: Chiefly as diuretic, hypodermically.—Injection: 4—10 ♏ of solut. caffeine hydrobromate 10 parts, hydrobromic-acid 1 part, distilled water 3 parts.—Caution: Keep well stoppered, in brown bottles!
Caffeine and Sodium Benzoate Merck.
45.8% caffeine.—White powd.—Sol. in 2 parts water.—Uses: By injection, 2—10 grn.
Caffeine and Sodium Salicylate Merck.
62.5% caffeine.—White powd.—Sol. in 2 parts water.—Uses: By injection; in rheumatism with heart disease, and in threatened collapse of pneumonia.—Dose: 1½—6 grn.
Sweet Flag.—Dose: 15—60 grn.—Preparation: F.E. (1:1).
Calcium Bromide Merck.—U.S.P.
White granules; very deliquescent; sharp, saline taste.—Sol. in water, alcohol.—Nerve Sedative, like potassium bromide.—Uses: Epilepsy, hysteria, etc.—Dose: 10—30 grn., 2 t. daily.
Calcium Carbonate, Precipitated, Merck.—U.S.P.
Precipitated Chalk.—Dose: 10—40 grn.
Calcium Carbonate, Prepared—U.S.P.
Drop Chalk.—Preparations: