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Books on Demand GmbH

ISBN: 9783752800173

Go with a waving sail

that shows you the way

never let yourself become aware

constant fear of unconscious forces

push you into a wilderness

time is running

gifted with three languages

and inspired by three springs

misunderstood by your father

considered stupid as long as then

days don't bother you at least

your unrelated existence

wouldn't find back

after the number of your adventures

the hero plays the stupid though

that people misunderstand

to identify what you used to be

but you went through a wall

and left without any weight



It's the spei of dragon

I tear for tear

in cold offers

they lack the words here by the way

greed of everything

loyal to what they belong

they grab weapons

in the nakedness of inability

I knew what they needed

in compare of what they do

these wings of the eagle

the woman knows how to escape

a body of a snake that would choke

and tackling their crazy

she tore wounds into the flesh

Use your chance to regret. Whistle your song to them, knowing that nothing was left. Is it fear of attachment, or conditional to bite the one you don't know? Young people lose in love, red as blood, to stand alone, not to escape the trap, what they build on their own.

The man in some people's eyes is a troublemaker, who wastes with belly and hump, with bald head and beard.

He married the kind-hearted, maybe the hateful, and both remained forever in faith!

A story that could have happened anywhere.

But it takes place here, in the small town of Schleswig, located on the northern edge of northern Germany. The figures are fictional.

A city steeped in the history of royal houses, Vikings, wars against the Danish neighbours, a place in the midst of a province that can barely call itself a city. Although many of the residents talking in dialects such as Frisian, Plattdüttsch and Danish, German, English or in other European fussing people open their mouths.

But the true treasures come from afar, such as apples from the old country, the spices from the Orient, the chocolate from Switzerland and the best cheese still from France. People here always liked to speak loudly, because they wanted to own either the best land, the largest dairy cows, the best greenhouses, the oldest cabinets in the foyer of their houses or the strongest mothers of their children.

In Schleswig today there is still talk of a city, in fact because all the villages together calculated the inhabitants of this place.

Here remains the last province of the north. Behind the nearby border bar is Denmark and a Scandinavia, which does not correspond to the German mentality. Visitors search for traces of medieval times around the cathedral. First settlements even bear witness to even older beginnings. Culture and history are carefully preserved in museums. These news grow longer and longer more, from day to day. Politics and contrasts, show a different picture of the area and people Corporate failures that speak, an extinction of inner-city business practices, to find industrial wastelands as in other places, there are occupied houses and certain tensions in three province districts, in which a growing gap between rich and poor build inevitable conflicts. In these tragic parts, sometimes grotesque habits take their course. Alcoholized people without work, pursue their own favorite pastime, in distance to the society called the working class. In ancient times, these parts of the city were still in the hands of middle-class, craft-loving and wealthy people. Today clever heirs of the houses use the advantages of a dutiful rent counter, the social welfare office. Such dwellings are inhabited partly exclusively by the unemployed. 'Normal tenants' were evicted from these houses. Ghettoize entire neighborhoods.

Thus, the landlords get rich quickly, and impoverish entire neighborhoods. The so-called 'sophisticated quarters' are an exception. Instead the rich quarters remain that no one would give out of hands.

Some believe that truth is always a matter of loyalty. Only, who are the people I am loyal to? There is a truth-space that expands between the citizans, whether one can find truth or love at all? Economic attitude in this country: the larger steals the middle and the middle accuses the little one for its own inadequacy!

Dance the ghost dance until it comes to all hearts. The story says yes, don't hope! But once in a lifetime, the longing for enlightened people, away from murder and manslaughter, leads to hope for justice instead of absurd jurisdiction into a wave of tides.

Tenderness is a generous and selfless love for the one, who does not ask and is understood and appreciated. Some people are not loyal to anyone. They are just loyal to their need for you. They exchange you like an ounce of gold. That's their true loyalty! Resist the emotions and they become your enemy. But accepting one's own feelings will make them allies. Because this confused the enemies the most, learning to tolerate conflicting opinions.

Their worst enemy is always the one who understands!

One wonders, what is still hidden in this small town, which secrets are still digging here? Some people at the beginning of their innocent citizen probably like to make their fingers dirty. These characters occur elsewhere in the country and facts occur more often and yet are anchored in a realistic world. More than maybe dear to a district administration or the ombudsman.

That's life in a province here in the northern Schleswig...

If the old man did not suddenly doubt, if his step would not be slow, the dark water would not be right in front, he would not see the lullaby of the open sea, he would not know, whom he condemned all his life damn in salty blood and pain, even if it is his own child.

Do not bother anyone in the idea, that all people are the same.

What would he do if things went wrong?

What would be about the one, who seeked the breadth of every

corner? What to avoid, if the water stands up to the neck?

Does not everyone deal with it individually?

If you want to get rid of your problem, don't compare it with other's problems. Steer right through it, behind this wall it is much lighter in weight, instead of the case that you wanted to push away.

But if things are getting complicated, it would be better to leave.

Not every little kid wakes up like rock stars. Not everyone opens their mouths loudly, but words are as empty as foam bubbles. No. Some people have to descend into the deepest cellar for the time being. Long before they get a light out in the sunshine, when they notice the dead corps lying in the dark cellar times before.

Every house has those deads lying down there, but it is awful to keep the own child sitting with them all these years alone.

Is it always the crédo of living to fly high, to get far, to run fast?

Despite all faults in which life is involved, it is rather more important to grasp the contradictions of life one day and to endure them.

A beautiful glow, isn't it?

Some do not even find the answer ...

As if there was the idea

many talked about

about their dream of paradise

a beautiful glow

a bit polished, behind a box

and a little bit distorted in the mirror

familiar door to door

thieves, dealers, tormentors

to perpetuate their treasures

seen from a distance

a gift sailed over the flowers

a show every new year

ups and downs

spend a long time

to have an eye

on the own economic disaster

to find someone for their urges

none or the other would forgive

past illusions

kindled anger kind of spirit

the wait for everything

hunted among animals

and eaten by themselves

If I did not ignore world's suffering, if I did not scratch the surface of my neighbors, and felt their arrogance, whose layer I did not want to wear off, to which I blabber with a blob of impudence.

I used to spit on the company. Even if one does not believe me today, that there are inconsistencies in a democracy, that we all had the witching hour, that we do not even care that those of the whole haunt do not want to know anything, that is in the diaper.

I would have used a night shift on days like today. Today I am more carefree, maybe even more relaxed. What I want is not always what will come for me. If my counterpart were no match, the place on the earth would be too narrow for me. With my judgments about others and the feeling of free speech ... I'm on the drip, but still, before I could handle it, I'm giving up my fate, I'm writing a book again and again ...And if I wake up all the mornings alone, it is me as I tiger through the empty apartment, as if I just followed those beings who have left me alone here at this little town place.

It is said that the bombardier beetle is swallowed by a toad, in the toad he spits out a chemical, then the toad strangles the beetle again, and after forty minutes the vomited beetle is still alive out of the body of the toad - and rejoices in his life.

Who perceives their environment, who had lost sight of the world?

Who recognizes under a clear message, affords a carefree life, has respect for life?

Love didn't play the first note in my life, but friendship with few people just like me, who knew to live their own style in life.

It's about talented people, who really come to help you along the way with good advice, especially in order not to get desperate in the art. That's the case. It is in the nature of man straight to enjoy the most beautiful panorama, while the view from the left and right edge of the path does not want any attention, even if the subconscious perceives it.

Among many homeless, there are those, who insist they don't accept any help from anyone, because they have broken with humanity, that is what many expressly say, that they do not need pity...

The eyes are free, nothing around. I see the dog, my friend's face, without having to go backwards to see childhood.

A child as every living being, the open, seen in the animal face, so deep and free from death. Some feel the passage through life, before eternity. The only day in the room before, they see you open, never, nothing. Pure and unattended, what you breathe, infinitely white and not desired. Never lost myself as a kid, and did not have to be shaken.

A man could not solve the problem that his parents did not have to think very hard about childbearing before his conception...

If he climbed a mountain, he would discover on the horizon that a world was even greater than himself, that all had a chance to love, that the art consists of preparing for a long life, rather than truly shortening one's life.

There is no stopping in the delusion. It does not matter to a victim what they thought. It is just the instrument to win over land, which is indiscriminately made public, that in ignorance there must be sacrifices, even though one's own wishes are fulfilled with restraint!

He was the magician of thousands of kings.

He held out my tears.

He held the magic in his hand to make me laugh.

I smoke against all opinion.

I smoke without a truce without respite.

I smoke for the love of life,

for a package of nocturnal pleasures.

I smoke a small cylinder full of the clear

smell of gold and spices. I smoke for a spiral of witches.

Council gets together

The view presents the town hall of that little town, right into the city council, and to the office of the non-party mayor, where the story takes its course.

The historic building knows lots of tellings. It is an entrance into culture. And perhaps an exit to another life. The outsider learns when a narrative gives a look to all what happened in this place. Death wins anyway. That's why he gives life a head start. But the personification of death was always talked about -

The heroes and the bad guys have to suffer!

Mayor Sönke Espersen rages in his office.

Sönke Espersen

Isn't there anything going on? How many times I said that our city council consists of opportunists!

No one wants to admit, that our region needs a better image, that speaks of more cleanliness. But the self-absorbed gentlemen are only interested in getting cheap land for their little kind of private business and enriching themselves with homes and cakes!

Would the gentlemen finally get down to work, which brings a service to our bourgeoisie and the advancement of Schleswig City? You just see, people are sick of it, when the bigwigs sit there to keep out. No one has the guts to get involved in a community?

I am slowly sorry for this felt.

We're sitting here for the hundredth time, and yet nothing has changed about the location of new financially strong investors.

We insist on our rights, and there is sometimes a minority signature campaign, but we just want local politics to be as landscaped as it is. How much stupidity takes to realize that our neighborhood is gradually getting impoverished? Who wants to have more longterm unemployed people spoiling the cityscape?

The Mayor stands, his red head in front of the crowd of city councilors in the large, festive hall of a medieval building, isolated from the citizenry behind meter-thick walls. His face is swollen. The shirt drenched in sweat. He grabs his necktie and pulls at it before it took his breath away, as the door slams open at exactly that moment and the city's disability club's catering team of their central kitchen pulls out ten platters of carefully trimmed sandwiches.


What do you want here now? This is a closed society! Have you ever heard of punctuality? Do you think this earned another star for your negligence? Come on! Come on! If you show up here, hurry a bit. There is work going on here. And make sure that you set the alarm clock at home, which says, when our work actually begins!

The three service workers from the hotel kitchen start frightened, put the plates on the tables, removed the cling film, looking guilty in the eyes and rush out of the room.


Where do we start? ... Oh, there is an addiction of egomaniacs. Who is willing to admit that the jobs which are important to our city are still shelved? We have already bought up the bankrupt department store buildings, to demolish as soon as possible. But is there anything going on since my term in office? No.

What would a new parking garage do, if there was no money? The city center has to be more attractive. Who else is interested in shopping here? I guess, it stands on the agenda today, to see how the shopping street improves, otherwise I'll see black.

Financial Advisor Theissen

We have invested a lot in new living space. This will automatically open up new, affluent residential areas. If people are to come from this salary class, it also needs land in the middle of this place. Why don't we tear down more old houses, which are already partly empty and rot? It went a bit faster, if the rents in the center rise high, if not a herd unemployed eat us the hair from the head.


Right. For this division people I have absolute zero tolerance. How would it be, if our circle appoints more people to send this kind of society more purposefully to the workshops outside the villages in the re-education, where long-term unemployed belonged to, simply to deny them all participation in the work market? They would move out sooner then. Without moss, you say nothing. They would flee back to the country, where rents are cheaper. So you could just push them to the edge. Or does someone have a better suggestion?

Construction consultant Thomsen

We have developed a lot of land on these areas and successfully built and completed the residential complex with 'Places to the sun'. You can do anything else, mayors, the new rich desire to buy and privatize the remaining land on the water, so not everyone had access to live in this idyll. In addition, they complain that walkers could look easily through their windows into the apartments. That meant, not every tourist, should walk nearby their houses with their dogs and children, who make noise and leave their shit.


No, this is impossible. The way remains. Because the long-established residents of the old fishing settlement do not abandon the rights to this land. They welcome visitors and tourists in the area to enjoy their holidays and walks. They will keep these claims, no matter what it costs.

Lawyer Moorkamp